It Is You... You

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138 AC. Kings Landing

It is immediately after the court proceedings, and Ahsoka makes her way down the Iron Throne. She feels like she has to take a shit but she knows it's simply nerves. Ahsoka lifts her dress and steps over Vaemonds head and body before turning back around to look at the Iron Throne. A pull in her chest fills her thoughts before none other than Daemon disrupts them.

Daemon: Well...
Ahsoka: *turns around*
Daemon: That.. I.. I can't even explain...
Ahsoka: *small smile*
Rhaenyra: *pushes past Daemon/hugs Ahsoka* I heard of the attack. *pulls back/cups her face*
Ahsoka: I am fine, mother. *removes hands/smiles*

The Blues make their way over to Ahsoka and the Blacks. Laenor can't help but glare at Jace while Aemond doesn't even take his eye off his wife. He needs to find a way to be alone with Ahsoka right now, to say the least.

Rhaenys: My dear...
Ahsoka: *hugs Rhaenys*
Anakin: You were amazing Muña. (Mother)
Ahsoka: *kneels* I am so sorry that you had to see that. All of you *looks around at her children*
Aemond: *snickers* Hush boy. *puts hands over Armonds face*
Arsema: I'm glad. He was an ass.
Aemond/Ahsoka: Young lady! Arsema! *giggles*
Ahsoka: But. Yes. He was. *winks*
Arsema: *smiles at Ahsoka*
Aemond: I. *Ahsoka stands* Am so proud of you.
Ahsoka: *smiles*
Laenor: As am I, daughter. Absolutely singular.
Ahsoka: Well, I couldn't have done it without Daemon *smacks his arm*
Daemon: *chuckles* Pleasure.

Ahsoka makes eye contact with Jace, and it's uncomfortable. His is glaring, but he looks as if he's hungover. Ahsoka shifts her gaze to the little girl standing next to Baela. Ahsoka knew this to be Aemma.

Ahsoka: You must be Aemma.
Aemma: *nods*
Ahsoka: Well, you are quite the beauty, aren't you? You look just like your mother.
Aemma: *giggles* I like your hair. *touches her blue dreadlocks*
Ahsoka: It's squid ink.
Jace: That was... something. *sniffs*
Ahsoka: *clears throat*

Ahsoka doesn't answer him. Instead, Anakin takes her hand and starts to lead his mother over to the Greens. A family he is vastly more familiar with. Ahsoka says goodbye to her mother and siblings before making her way over to Alicent and Viserys. Her children, as well as Aemond, follow. Laenor and Rhaenys link arms and make their way out of the Throne Room. As do the Blacks. Alicent immediately pulls Ahsoka in for a tight embrace.

Alicent: I was so frightened for you and the children. And when these three took off.
Ahsoka: We are safe. Not a mark on any of them.
Alicent: Yes, I made sure myself. *hugs her again* Welcome back.
Aegon: Quite the performance you put on, sister.
Ahsoka: *laughs* Sorry I missed your nameday. *hugs Aegon*
Aegon: You apparently had much more important things to deal with.
Ahsoka: *laughs* Yes indeed.
Aegon: *laughs*

Aegon: *laughs*

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