Father Sova

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After a rough Mission, three older agents would always make sure the youngers are fine. Brimstone, Sage, and Sova. It was almost guaranteed. They would always make sure the youngers got over to the drop ship safely, and make sure they weren't hurt, if they were they would get safe or Skye.

Sova was on the mission with pheonix, Yoru, and Jett. They had intel that Omega Earth would be sending a few agents to IceBox, and they were to make sure they don't plant spike. Jett was already Shivering, her tank top attire not doing well in the cold climate, though she acted tough about it. Pheonix and Yoru were both jabbing at Jett's attempts to act like she wasn't cold, though she kept shuffling closer to Pheonix and his natural heat, side effect from his Fire Radiante.

Sova rolled his eyes at their antics, promptly shushing them when his recon caught Omega agents on their way. "Spread out, stay hidden until you see them yourselves. Pheonix, when you get the chance use your Blaze and Hot Hands to seperate them. Jett set off your cloudburst to blind them." Once the two agents agreed to the plan, and they split off, it was a matter of waiting. Once they heard the telltale signs of footsteps, they sprung into action.

Yoru peeked and started shooing at the Omega Jett, while Pheonix shot off his Blaze and Hothands to separate the team. Omega Viper and Omen started shootibg in his direction, though Sova was quick to cover support so they could move to a new position. Your used his rift to get behind the omega agents and started shooting from behind, effectively knocking Viper and Jett down. "I have no eyes on Omega Jett, still no signs if there's others, but spike is collected." Yoru said diving into cover so he wouldn't get hit.

The sounds of a grunt and gunshots had Sova moving quickly. It was backsite and it sounded like Jett had found the last remaining Omega agent. "I'm hit.. omega Jetts back here but she seems to be retreating.." Jett's pained voice rang over the comms, urging Sova to run faster, hoping she wasn't badly hit. "I'm on my way Jett, hang tight. Pheonix, Yoru, head back to the drop ship, watch each others backs so Omega Jett doesn't get the drop on you if she's still here."

The boys voices murmured their agreement and Sova found the white hair of Jett, hiding behind a box and wall, and small trail of red smeared agaisnt the ground, showing that she had moved to her position. He fell to his knees infront of her and gently moved her hand, ignoring the soft hiss she gave. A clean shot, it seemed to have just grazed her stomach but it was shallow enough that he was sure it didn't hit anything Vital. The blue of her shirt had turned a dark color, as the blood soaked through the material.

He sighed softly and let go of her hand so she can keep putting pressure on it. "Keep pressure on it Jett, cmon we need to get to the drop ship. Can you stand?" Jett gritted her teeth but nodded, and with Sova's help slowly got up, tears prickling in her eyes as her wound was shifted. Sova was quick to shush her, softly muttering to calm her down as they started slowly making their way to the drop ship. Yoru and Pheonix were standing at the ramp, Yoru seeming unfazed though walked down to take Jett from Sova and towards the seats.

Pheonix watched his face scrunched slightly with worry though checked over Sova as he climbed the ramp. "No sign of Omega Jett, think she turned tail and ran." Pheonix informed hitting the button to close the ramp once Sova was on and followed him to check on Jett. Yoru had just finished cleaning and wrapping the wound, Jett wincing slightly but relaxing. "Good, are you alright Jett?" Jett just nodded and brought Sova into a hug. Sova looked on in surprise and before he could react both Yoru and Pheonix joined in on the hug.

Sova relaxed and just smiled softly, wrapping his arms around the three, huffing softly in a laugh and enjoying the warmth from the youngsters.

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