Lean on me (Viper and Killjoy)

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Viper was working late into the night when the pull of coffee managed to get out of her lab. the hallway was empty, the lights dulled to not bother anyone sleeping, but provide enough light for any agents wandering at night. though the kitchen had a weird blue glow coming through the entrance. Viper was concerned on who was up this late at night, mot agents prefered to stay in their room or the common room if they have sleepless nights, and there was one person who rivaled herself in workaholic state. walking into the kitchen her suspicions were confirmed as she sw Killjoy sat on the table closest to the entrance, hunched over and working on something on her bracer. her shoulders shuddering from the cool air, and what seems to be tremors from a nightmare. 

when Viper saw her shirt damp on the back as well, and bloodshot eyes with faint tear tracks, she worried about the engineer. she knew that after Fade doxxed the protocol, Killjoy was paranoid that people would hate her more for working with Kingdom. almost everyone knew that Renya didn't like Killjoy and her bots at all. that had caused multiple instances where reyna would personally target the engineer, giving her a hard shove or bruises on her arms.unsure on how to approach the engineer when soft sniffles reached her ears. Turning back to the engineer she noticed that Killjoy and rested her head against the table, trying to stifle her crying  as a few tears slipped free, paired with soft whimpers. 

worried now viper walked forward and gently touched the engineers shoulder. Killjoy yelped and jumped up and away from the touch, raising her face to assess the threat, though relaxing once she noticed it was viper. quickly wiping her eyes and ducking her head she whispered a quiet hello to the chemist. "Hal-hallo viper, what are you doing up so late?" Killjoy looked back up to see Viper again, who settled down into a seat across from the engineer, letting the mask slip and show her worry. "i can ask you the same thing little maus, i know you had a long mission today, and last i remembered you went to bed as soon as you got back." Killjoy chuckled wetly and tried to shrug off Vipers worry. "ah.. im okay Viper, just a overactive mind being able to not shut down.." Viper reached over and gently rested her hand on top of Killjoys, freezing the engineer. "do you want me to get Raze?" killjoy immediately shook her head. "dont she has a early morning mission, i would hate for her to be tired because we woke her up so late.." viper only nodded quietly, knowing Killjoy could be Stubborn. "then why are you awake this late killjoy?" "like i said overactive brain would shu-"

"your shirt is sweaty, your eyes are bloodshot and you have teartracks little mouse, not to mention you have tremors. what was the nightmare about....?" Killjoy froze as Viper pointed out her tells and ducked her head again trying hard not to cry as tears welled up in her eyes again. after a moment Viper heard a soft response. "Re-Reyna..." Viper froze, hearing the name of the mexican duelist. "what did she do Killjoy?" "not-nothing! nothing but what she usually does.. but her and Fa-Fades words on the mission... i guess got to me..." Viper stood up and moved around the table to stand in front of the engineer, earning a confused look on her face. "stand up Killjoy." killjoy stood up slowly after a second, and tensed as arms wrapped around her. after a moment of hesitation she hugs back slowly. 'trust me Killjoy, lean on me, lean on raze, we can help you i promise." Viper whispered softly, feeling her shoulder start growing wet as Killjoy started crying. the engineers shoulders were shaking softly and her hold tightened around the chemist, not that Viper minded. 

after a moment of soft crying, killjoy quieted to sniffles, and only then did Viper pull away slowly. Viper gently rubbed away the tears still gathered in her eyes before smiling. "alright little maus, im going to bring you to your girlfriend okay? ill also have her replaced on the mission, just relax with raze okay?" killjoy just nodded, and allowed Viper to gently lead her to Razes room. after a few seconds of knocking the brazilian finally answered, rubbing sleep from her eyes, though seemed to have woken up fully when she saw killjoys state. brining the engineer into a hug, and feeling her melt into the touch she made eye contact with viper, who just nodded. "dont worry about the mission tomorrow Raze, i'll replace you with another agent, but she needs you right now okay?" Raze only nodded and held the engineer tightly. "thank you Viper.. cmon killjoy.. lets go lay down. the door closed after the duelist and sentinel disappeared into the room. Viper stayed for a minute longer before walking briskly to her lab, completely forgetting that she wanted coffee in order to file a report against Reyna, like killjoy should've done awhile ago, and making sure the duelist won't hurt the engineer again.

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