Karaoke Night

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Killjoy fidgeted with her hands, a nervous habit she had since she was little. Jett, Neon, Sage, Reyna, and Raze had made plans to go to a bar. they had confirmed with Brimstone to have one night to relax before Omega earth reared their face again. Raze had begged Killjoy to join, saying "getting out of your workshop could be good for you." "you need a day off to just relax." "killjoy you need a break" and after a few hours of pestering Killjoy finally agreed to go, though now she was regretting it. 

she wasn't a people, or crowded place person. she hated big crowds, and mixing it with alcohol would make it worse. it was also the fact that Reyna was going to. Reyna hated Killjoy, she had a idea why, but throwing them together , plus alcohol would be a disaster. Killjoy wouldn't touch any of it, never liking the taste of alcohol, and she knew Sage wasn't a drinker either, so she could only hope Sage was enough to calm the angry mexican. knowing the duelist they would drink and party for most of the night, so she didn't expect much help from them, even her girlfriend. 

they had decided to just carpool to the bar, with Sage and Reyna in the front seat, Raze, jett and Killjoy in the middle and Neon shoved into the back, not that the filipino minded, instead leaning against Jett's chair and egging the other duelist into a conversation. Killjoy laughed softly at her friends and girlfriend 's antics, though didn't engage nand instead turned to the window and watched the scenery. she could hear Sage and Reyna's soft conversations from the front, and combined with the soft argument of the duelist beside her put her mind at ease for the time being. though when they pulled up Killjoy felt the nervousness return. Jett, Neon, and Raze opened the door before the car was fully stopped and started loudly cheering and yelling at each other, daring and egging each other on. Reyna got out, whacking the duelist heads softly and chiasting them though a soft smile was on her face. Killjoy took a deep breath and pulled open the door, as Sage did the same. "you okay Klara?" Sage said softly, immediately clueing in on the anxious engineer. 

Killjoy only nodded not meeting Sage's eyes, though jumping slightly as Raze wrapped a arm around the Engineer. "Aye! you ready for this Killjoy?" Sage chuckled softly and walked over to Reyna, where she stood with the other duelist. "im not to sure about this Raze.. This was a bad idea..." Raze trialed over her girlfriends form before kissing her forehead softly. "its okay mi amor, me, Jett, and Neon got your back, so does Sage. you will be fine Killjoy, i promise. whenever your done we can leave okay?" Killjoy looked over her girlfriend before nodding softly. "ok-okay.." "are you two coming??" Jett yelled, looking like she was about to dash over to drag them. "chill Jett we are on our way!" Raze said laughing softly as she grabbed killjoy's hand and gently led her to the entrance where the group was waiting.

Killjoy had never felt this anxious. they were 2 hours into this entire trip, and as Killjoy suspected Raze, Jett, Neon, and Reyna were heavily intoxicated. Sage and Herself were the only two who had clear headed, though Sage was probably more clear headed than killjoy was. Currently Neon and Jett were on stage, screaming out the Lyrics to a random pop song, while Raze cheered them on, and laughed drunkenly when Jett or Neon shot ehr a look. Reyna had been relaxing against Sage, occianly putting her own input in as the other two finished up the song. Killjoy suppressed the shiver as Raze jolted her as she jumped to her feet clapping wildly, then turning to Reyna and stating loudly. "C'MON YOU AND ME REYNA!" "lower your voice Raze, we are still inside.." Sage reminded gently, putting a water cup in the hands of the duelist. 

Killjoy suppressed the urge to rock slightly in her chair as her girlfriend left her side with the Vampire. She barely heard or felt Jett and Neon flop into their seat. As the first couple notes of another song she didn't recognize came on, she felt the soothing hand of the healer resting on her shoulder. "Hey, your alright, take a deep breathe Klara.." Sage whispered softly, moving to sit next to the engineer. Killjoy didn't even realize she was breathing heavily, or when she started to fidget with her hands. taking a deep breath she nods, turning her Gaze back to her girlfriend and the Vampire, to see Reyna glaring at her.  it didn't help that Sage had not moved away, nor removed her hand from the Engineers shoulder. withering under the glare, killjoy shuffled away, hoping to avoid the vampires wrath. Though she knew better, and knew the Vampire will hold it against her, she just didnt expect the punch to her head, or getting knocked agaisnt the seat from the blow. she grunted softly and quickly moved her hands to immidetly hide her face as the vampires hot breathe on her hands until Sage grabbed Reyna quickly. "what in the world?! Reyna what was that for?!" Raze said immediately, glaring down the Vampire, all trace of drunkenness was gone. "Shes trying to take Sage away, like she did my Town!" Reyna all but yelled, gaining a few glances their way. "what? no she wasn't Reyna, i was helping her calm down." Sage said calmly trying to wrestle Reyna away from the engineer. "cmon we are going outside." As Sage dragged Reyna away, Jett and Neon turned to tend to Killjoy. "hey can we check your nose KJ?" Killjoy grumbled softly, trying to blink away the tears, and hide her panicked breaths, before Raze entered her vision.

"oye, estas bien.. Killjoy look at me.. you just need to breathe." Killjoy locked eyes with her girlfriend as she tried to follow her breathing, wincing as her nose flared up in pain. "maybe its time to go back.. can we see our nose really fast KJ?" Jett said softly, and Killjoy nodded faintly removing her hands so they can see. "well.. it looks like it was broken... but Sage can help with that, cmon lets just go.." Raze grabbed a few napkins, gently putting it under Killjoys nose, urmering a soft apology as Killljoy flinched slightly. She let herself be led out of the bar, finding Sage and Reyna infront of the car, talking and Killjoy stiffened slightly at the sight of the vampire, though she didnt give her a second glance as Reyna got in. "hows your nose Killjoy?" "broken..and bleeding?" Sage grimace with sympathy as she checked over the engineers nose, before healing it. "there you go kiddo, get in we are heading home.."

Killjoy was tucked between Jett and Raze, who promptly fell asleep as soon as they buckled up. She could hear Sage and Reyna talking, though they were talking softly. tucked into the warmth of her friends she slowly fell asleep, content with knowing Sage would protect them, and keep them safe.

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