Chapter 21

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Meow meow racha got caught by the kidnappers.. They were dragged inside the room meanwhile they were trying to free themselves...

Minho and Felix were pushed toward the ground.. They raised up their faces up and they saw a man sitting on the chair in front of them.. That man looked deadly and he was smoking..

Seeing that, Minho and Felix both backed off. They got shocked after realizing that it was Mafia Hyewang!!Minho was filming his ugly face and the surrounding here and Felix tightly hold his mic..

Felix:Ayo -- It's Mafia Hyewang!! Andwaeee!!

Minho:He is engaged in 100 types of human trafficking!!

Felix:There are so many kids stucked here. Yah--are you gonna sell those kids out??

Hyewang:Yeah--I will do this indeed.. I have to be win against my elder brother..

Minho:Are you talking about another rascal like you?? Wait--Mafia Hyejun, right??

Hyewang:Yahhh--wait, did you just call us rascal?? Hey, wait!! Is that a camera?? Yahh-- boys!! Smash his camera!!

Hearing it, one of his men snatched Minho's camera and threw it on the ground where Minho yelled out--'No'. He and Felix rushed to the camera.. Minho breathed in peace as it didn't break . It just got some cracks. But for their safety, they pretended that it is broken..

Minho:Andwaeee--my 1st camera of my whole career!! You broke it 😭😭

Felix:Hyung!! Don't cry!!

Minho:My camera!! It's dead now!! My baby is gone!! Andwaeee--Eomma!!

Felix:It's too much. Better stop now!!

Minho:I can't hold this camera anymore!! Yahh--Hold this camera!!

Saying that, Minho went toward Lily and secretly told her--

Minho:Yahh--The camera is okay!! Don't panic !! We will get out of here!! Please hold it for us and keep filming us!!!

Lily:Okay!! You are our hope, Mr camera man!

Minho smiled and patted her head.. And now, he turned to Mafia Hyewang!!

Minho:Yahhh--Mafia Hyewang!! I curse you!! May you end up in hell!!

Hyewang:As if your curse gonna effect me..

Felix:Yes, it will!! The police are on the way!! They aren't going to spare you!! Saur, you better let us go!!

Minho:Aishh--how many kids are there!! OMO!! You kidnapped 23 teenagers!! You deserve to be in the hell fire, you devil!!


Hyewang:I fxxxxxx don't care--My foot!!!

Saying that, Hyewang punched Felix and he fell on the ground!! He got bruises on his lips.. Minho immediately went toward Felix and kneeled down to check him!!

Minho: Ahhh!! My Yongbokie!! Felix!! The precious piece of my heart!! OMO!!

Felix:I am fine!!

Minho:Ahh--you got bruises on your lips!!

Minho' s eyes suddenly got filled with anger. He looked at Mafia Hyewang with his anger filled eye.. He got up , ran toward Hyewang . Firstly, he kicked at Hyewang's balls. Hyewang got a serious pain and he fell on the ground.. Then, Minho got over him and continuously punched him!!

Mafia in Disguise ||Enhypen JayWhere stories live. Discover now