II. Adaption

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That night was a whirlwind but I knew Abiagil wasn't leaving but I knew I had to get rid of Valerie. But I owed her so much for what's she's done for me. At the same time it was hurting Abigail and I didn't know how much she could take before she break. And she would eventually break I knew it.

I chose the life and shes the one but I made a trade for a little fun. Crystal gave me a run to get away from it for a while. But my heart was leading back to Abigail no matter how much fun it was my madness is the only love I let my self embrace. I adapted to the models who adapted to the bottles but I was losing all my morals. She was mines and gave in to her love for me no matter how much pain I caused her she was still mines.

I laid back on the bed feeling defeated but I let the liquor and the pills take on the sorrows. I had adapted to the fame and insensitive to the game of love. Whenever I took them I couldn't see her face but it's ok I adapted anyway. Crystal stood over me with Destiny gazing at me hungrily. I saw the flicker of lust in her eyes as she kissed and sucked on Crystals neck.

I chose the life but I would never realize how pure she was until it was too late. I choose fame.


Abigail had told me about the other day when she tried to have the talk with Abel but he made her promise not to leave him. As bad as I wanted to tell her to leave him I only found myself envying her for the love he had for her. As sick as it was or sounded he loved her unlike the losers I kept running into. I saw how they were with each other but I still couldn't understand what he saw in Abigail she was a boring Financial Advisor. Why couldn't he see that I was more attractive more outgoing than she was. She was my best friend but she didn't have what Abel needed.

I sat and watched her on the phone talking trying to figure out what about her was so fucking attractive about her that captured him the way he is. He was the creep in the shadows at night watching her sleep. Even that intrigued me because what twisted person would watch someone they didn't know sleep. But then again what woman let that happen or got off on it.

She giggled and smiled as she talked to whatever client that was. But already knew who it was and he too was like Abel. What did they see in her that I couldn't see or that I didn't have?


I had to clean up my room that day and buy new lamps for my room which I found some cute plastic ones just in case he wanted to throw another tantrum. Suzy has been acting strange since that day and I didn't know why but I guess she was getting tired of me saying how fed up I was with Abel then falling back into his trap. But how could I expect her to understand when her love affairs would only last a few months at most. Abel and I were a love complicated to explain to anyone who had a one track mind. Leaving was easier said than done when you actually have this death grip hold on someone's heart. And that's what Abel had on me and it was hard to shake as much sorrow he made me feel I still loved him like no other.

Drake called me for a dinner meeting to apologize to me and talk about his portfolio since Christina was going out if town for a few weeks. But I though it was time for us to clear the air anyway and have a more professional relationship.

I felt Suzy staring at me as if she had something to say but I refused to ask her, her problem. It was always questions about Abel and I's "crazy" relationship as she calls it. I felt what she didn't get was probably best because she'd hurt herself trying to figure us out or what love we had for each other. She was my friend not my damn shrink. Her judging me was something I'd rather keep out if our friendship I had been judged all my childhood and I didn't need it as an adult.

INFLICT "28 KISSES" Book TwoHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin