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I hadn't slept in days Abel was back on tour for a show in New York. We didn't talk about the Crystal situation after that night I was avoiding it I guess acting as if it didn't exist. I wanted him to accompany me to the doctor for our first visit. But duty calls right.

"Hello." A familiar sweet voice sang into the phone.

I swallowed hard trying to muster the nerve to speak.

"Hello." He said again.

"Hi Aubrey its me Abigail." I said nervously.

"Hi Abby. How are you?" He asked.

"I'm OK. How about yourself?" I asked smiling into the handset.

"I'm alright getting ready to hit the concert in New York for fashion week."he said.

I stood day dreaming because he was going to be with Abel.

"I'm pregnant." I blurted out hurriedly before I lost my nerve.

It was a death gripping silence that gave me pause. I felt physically sick and my hands trembled.

"Abby!" He said trying to see if I had hung up.

"I'm here." I said calmly.

"When did you find out?"

"A couple of weeks ago and I just told Abel a few days ago." I told him.

"Is the baby mines?" He asked.

I blew out an exaggerated breath. "I'm really not sure. I have an appointment in the morning. Will you accompany me?" I asked hoping he would say yes.

"What time?"

"10." I told him.

Another episode of silence covered the phone.

"I will be in Toronto later tonight can I see you?" He asked.

I chewed on my bottom lip contemplating. "Yes. How about dinner?" I asked.

"Sure. Faretti's at 8."

"OK I will see you then." I told him before hanging up.

I sat my phone down on the counter and sat my chin on my hands. This was so wrong everything about it was wrong. I was pregnant and wasn't 100% sure if Abel was the father. Here we were to very battered people who didn't want to let go. Afraid that someone else might be better suited for us better lovers than we were together. He had definitely fathered another child with another woman and I was unsure of who fathered my own child.

I didn't know what I would do if Aubrey was the father of my baby. He and I didn't have a future together I would only compare him to Abel. His sweet and romantic persona was way different and unfamiliar to me. As Abels sadistic cruel intoxicating yet profound unparalleled love was my very scary addiction but a satisfying one. This was a crisis moment for me and I know Abel would hate me and try his best to hurt me far more worse than he had already done.

I couldn't leave. Even without his threats I knew I couldn't leave he just called my bluff. He knew that walking away from him was not an option but a desperate plea for him to stop taking me for granted. But we took each other for granted we hurt each other to pull each other in.

Most people would say it pulled them apart but we were different. The pain we inflicted on one another was what held it all in place. But if you took the pain away if you took the cheating and the lies away we were two people who knew no one else was better for us. We were best for each other but this wasn't one of those things. I know he wouldn't be able to handle this.

INFLICT "28 KISSES" Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now