IX. Tears in the Rain

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It was the day of the funeral and I couldn't be more off balance in my day. My stomach churned at the very site of my father laying peacefully in his final resting place. Inside my mind I could only imagine what he went through in his last hour and if that high was that important. But at least he didn't have to chase her anymore at least she had put him to sleep for good and eased his pain. I don't know what he was going through but I'm sure my brother's and I abandoning him was part of it all. I cursed myself but in due time this disobedient child's days were numbered right.

Sheryl stood with Pop pop and her ulgy duckling looking sisters gossiping about dad's fortune. I took the time to escape to his office to get away from everyone. I didn't feel like being bothered we wanted a more private ceremony but Ms.Social butterfly had to invite everyone she knew even his damn mistresses. She could flaunt her jewels in front of everyone as if she had it like that but everyone knew what she was about and it definitely wasn't the diamonds that draped around her neck or wrist.

I sat in his chair and admired the old antique decor and the cherry wooden desk that accented the room perfectly. Everything was in it's place and it was just like him to be so neat and organized unlike his life. I guess this was the only thing in his life he could control. Man I just wished I would've been able to apologize or tell him how I felt. But my stubbornness kept me from doing just that and now my time had come to an end and I would never get to tell him how much I loved him.

Boredom got the best of me and I went through his things just to be nosy. I opened his bible well it was made to look like a bible. It was his drug stash and the contents in it weren't drugs but folded up papers. I opened them to see what they were and they were divorce papers. The date was for fifteen years ago on their anniversary. I covered my mouth with my hands as I continued to read the documents. I didn't know that they had been divorced. My heart sank a little but the other part of me was happy he had divorced the witch.

They had agreed upon a monthly settlement and all other agreements. I put it into my purse and searched for his will just in case this bitch tried to pull a fast one on me and David. The search was hectic and I was ready to give up until I found a shallow board behind a book. I pulled it out and sat it on the desk as I went to see if the funeral had started. Everyone was still talking and laughing so I proceeded back to the office. Instead of reading it I just stuffed everything into my purse. I put the book back so I could leave.

"What are you doing in here?" Sheryl said startling me.

I turned to her and gave her a sly grin.

"I came to get away from you and your party since you act as if this isn't a funeral" I snarled bumping passed her.

I left her fuming with whatever rage she had I didn't care.

I listened as the Priest gave his sermon but I kept zoning out as Abel held my hand. He continued to gaze at me from time to time but I refused to drop a tear in front of these phony people. They pretended they had lost a dear friend and I would've believed it if i didn't know half of them he slept with and the men were their husbands. They hated David but they respected him for what he's done for this community or they wouldn't be living so lavishly.

That was all there was about life not who liked you or who cared about you but simply the respect people had for you. In this life its a game of chess not checkers and he just moved swiftly and took over with his King. David stood to give the eulogy and I smiled at him gracefully as his nerves scrambled around. He looked just like my dad and it made me feel a little better because I still got a chance to see his face even when he was gone.

After the funeral it was time to go bury him.

"Are you ok Abigail?" Abel asked as he rode in the limo with me and David.

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