XIII. Can't Feel My Face

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I sat in the hotel room with Destiny next to me. I looked around and Valerie was nowhere in site. I didn't push it and I wasn't going to text her to see where she was. The farther the better.

It was to late to apologize to Abigail about the last night and the attempt would be useless. Crystal even call herself bring mad at me. She wants something I can't give her right. In the beginning everything was cool but toward the end everything is all bad. I don't know what the hell she wants out of me. But I know I don't have it Abigail got my heart and it's not going no where.

As much as she keep pushing me away I pull. Maybe I need to stop pulling maybe I need to take responsibility and learn how to really love her. This shit was going on to long no sex no smile nothing just this cold shoulder. The ice in her veins were felt she wanted nothing to do with my ass for sure.

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I laid in my bed the entire night with Gabriel next to me unable to let sleep cover me. I was still pissed for allowing myself to stoop down to Abel's level last night and give my body to Aubrey. He came in last night after the party and I played sleep. I didn't want to play with Aubrey's feelings and lead him on believing that there was a chance.

It was all out of order and I needed to get the hell out of here. Some would say I was running but I say I was just trying to make things easier. I grabbed my bag and put the dress he gave me in it with th rest of my things. I called a taxi once I had woken Aioki. We waited good thing Aubrey was still asleep. I left the check for him on the counter.

At the airport I turned my phone off and jolted myself away from all thoughts of last night. I knew I couldn't avoid Aubrey and I wasn't going to but I needed to make sure we talked about this. It could go no further than what it was last night.

I thought I wanted him that way but he did nothing for me he did nothing to excite me. But I don't think either of those compared to the fact that he wasn't Abel. I just couldn't shake him away no matter how cold I tried to be I still desired him.

Have you ever cried for the one you gave your heart to only to find they didn't give theirs to you? Have you ever wondered when the day they would hold you in their arms and feel how much they love you?

I focused on my other task ahead. I needed to see my little brother to see if he was ok. I knew of him but just never really gave a damn to see another one of David's love child. But now that he was gone and all my hatred buried with him I had to go see him. Let him know that we were out here and that we would be here for him.

I cringed at the thought of David killing Sam. She had gotten herself off drugs and when she died we thought she just had a relapse. But now my father was being fingered for her death. I needed to find out more about it.

Once back home later that evening I ran Gabriel a bath and put his things away. Aioki cleaned up a bit and put Gabriel's stuff that littered the floor away. It's seemed like every room had his things in them. I gave him a oatmeal bath and washed his with a mild soap. He giggled and made little spit bubbles enjoying his little bath.

After putting him down Aioki went to her room and I went to run me some bath water. At night she didn't have to worry about him since his bed was in my room.

I slid down into the water filled with bubbles as the Jets relaxed my nerves. I had a glass of wine and soft therapeutic music throughout the surround sounds in the bathroom. It always gave me some escape and feeling of comfort. Besides Dr. Nash gave me the junk drive filled with nothing but therapeutic music. It was supposed to be used in the house and the car but I chose to just listen to it in the house. I hated listening to it while in the car it made me feel like going to sleep.

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