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I walked the social worker around my house as she looked at its condition for court. Samuel sat in the living room with Gabriel and Aioki as we did the walk through. Since I wasn't sure how things were gonna go I didn't feel the need to inform her of our plans of moving. I just prayed that all goes well and they let me keep him temporarily while they conduct an investigation.

After she finished doing the walk through she talked with Samuel and Aioki and I. She asked a series of questions. I sat while she talked to Aioki and Samuel went to play with his toys. I wasn't sure if he knew what was going on or so much as understand it. I'd like to think he was content, I won't say happy because although I was his sister I was still a stranger to him.

"Can I ask you about his grandmother and how she's doing?" I murmured.

"Ms. Sandy Blakeley is in the hospital seeking help. She's has some medical issues in the past. This isn't her first run in with child services. She's had recent cases involving her granddaughter and her two daughters some years back. But right now she needs to be evaluated for the courts to see if she's mental stable to raise Samuel." She said evenly.

"Does he have any other family besides her and I? I know you mentioned two daughters which one is dead and a granddaughter both of whom I've never met." I asked curiously.

"Right now we're still trying to find Sheryl Trotter and Valerie Santino." She said reading the names off out of the file.

My heart sank as I heard my mothers name and Abel's little drug dealer. This confirmed that the person in the photo was in fact my mother with Sandy and two other young girls one of whom was just a baby. The other one now my dads dead mistress. To say confused would be a definite under statement.

I nodded my head giving a smile trying to hold myself together.

"Is there anything else?" She asked putting her folder back into her bag.

"No that'll be all for me." I give a sly smile.

I wasn't trying to be rude but at the moment my mind was running in several different directions.

"Well I will see you in three days at court. But I'd you need anything before then just let me know." She said getting up.

We shook hands and I walked her to the door. Once I saw her pull out of the driveway I grabbed my keys and purse. I needed to see Don Terry because I didn't know what was going on.

"How may I help you?" The receptionist asked with a toothy smile.

"I'm here to see Don Terry." I stated.

"He's in court at the moment and might not be out for a few more hours. Is there anything I can assist you with?"

"No thank you." I said turning around to leave out.

Once in my car I called Abel but I got the voicemail.

"Abel call me as soon as possible."

After leaving the message I sat contemplating my next move. The thought of going over to my dads house kept running through my mind. As much as I didn't want to see Sheryl I knew she was the only person who could give me answers. Now whether or not the answers would be true I didn't know. With much apprehension I started my car and headed over to the house.
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My body was tingling and the taste of the drainage flowing down the back of my throat made the poison course through my veins had me floating. I had a five hundred dollar a day habit and it seemed to increase as the drugs were having shorter effects for my aches. My parents had finally caught on to my relapse and cut me off for my refusal to return to rehab. After that I moved out and have been living from house to house or sleeping in my car.

INFLICT "28 KISSES" Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now