V. Wanderlust

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I woke up to breakfast in bed and cartoons. It was weird but I liked it I was able to relax. My phone finally died after vibrating all night long. It was beautiful outside and I was going to enjoy it with a nice walk in the park. Aubrey was gone for the most part after breakfast. I wondered where he went.

After I ate I got up and put my clothes on to head home. It was wonderful being here and the best sleep I've gotten in so long that I didn't want to leave. But I couldn't become a permanent stain in his sheets. I had to close one door before I opened another one.

By the time I got home Suzy was gone and Andrew was packing up to leave for the day. I waved him off and went to shower and put on something comfortable.

My phone rang after I stepped out and the voicemail picked up it had to be a client they're the only ones who had my business number.

" Abigail it's me Aubrey Graham." I laughed at his full name and put on some lotion.

"You left something important at my house. I think you need it. Well call me if your coming I'll be looking out for you." He said hanging up.

I looked in my bag to see what was missing but couldn't figure it out. I gave him a call to let him know that I was on my way back there.

The long drive there made me hungry and sleepy. But I had to get whatever it was it could've been someone's information for all I knew and a law suit would definitely be in the works.

He stood outside waiting for me to pull in. I was a little thrown off because he was always in the house taking a shower or something.

"What are you doing out here?" I asked as I got out of the car.

He smiled and walked over to me.

"Waiting on you Abigail." He said cheesing from ear to ear.

"Well what was it that I left?" I asked him getting to the point he looked as if he was heading out.

He eyed me as he tried to shy away from the sun. He put his hand over my heart in between my breast touching my chest.

"Your bleeding heart. I found it last night when you were asleep." He said seriously.

My eyes shifted over his face searching for his corky sense of humor. I knew it was somewhere in his eyes. But the more I searched the more I realized he was serious. But how can he I was pregnant by his protégé not to mention to far off the deep end for his romantic ass to understand. He was more for Suzy than me she was the helpless romantic the one who would gravel at his feet. One night was all I had to give and that was costly at best.

"Don't think Abigail. You think too much all the time." He said jolting me out of my stupor.

He took out a blind fold and proceeded to put it on me. But I had to stop him I had to stop whatever it was he was making this out to be.

"I'm not going to hurt you and this isn't a silly game." He said.

I calmed my nerves and let him put the blind fold on me. The suspicious side of me wanted to know while the logical mind said get the hell away from him. He walked me until we came to an abrupt stop me walking so fast and stepping on the back of his ankles.

"Damn girl you fucked my ankles up with them damn heels." He said laughing.

He pulled me up the stairs to what I didn't know and hoped it wasn't a plane. I was terrified of planes I had taken one once and the experience scared me away from them. But the big question should've been where the hell is he taking me.

"Relax and enjoy the ride." He whispered in my ear.

I tried to relax but my stomach was in knots and turning flips. I was anxious to see where we were going. But the take off soon showed me where I was at.

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