XVII. Outside

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Yesterday still had me stir crazy. But today I was meeting Aubrey for lunch so we could talk. I tried calling Abel last night but he never answered I don't know how I'm supposed to feel. I kept hoping that Samual would call me hoping that the same evil his grandmother had disdain for didn't reside inside of her.

Aioki had taken Gabriel to the park for the day and I just needed to get this shit over with. I walked into Le'Maria restaurant. I took a seat in a booth with a window view. The restaurant was empty for the time of day. I order a glass of wine and a shot of patron no ice. Aubrey was late as hell and he didn't bother to call me and tell me that.

As I was about to say fuck it I saw him walking towards me. He was in a pair of jeans and a graffiti T-shirt. His cologne filled the restaurant and his smile flashed at me. I smiled bashfully for some reason he always made me shy.

He pecked my lips with a kiss. I knew this conversation would end badly.

"You look beautiful as always." He smiled sitting in the booth across from me.

I nodded my head."Thank you." I said taking a sip of wine.

"Have you ordered already?" He asked looking through the menu.

"No I'm not hungry." I told him nervously.

His eyes looked over the menu at me. I smiled coyly at him but didn't see the need to order anything if I wasn't hungry.

"So I'm going to be eating by myself." He said nodding his head.

"I just came to talk because I felt the need to tell you before you hear it any other way." I said.

"Your pregnant?" He asked.

I looked at him with a crazy look on my face.

"Hell no. Its nothing like that." I assured him.

He continued to overlook the menu while I got my nerves together to just say it.

"I'm married Aubrey!" I said a little to loud for my own liking.

Immediately I felt guilty for shouting it out at him.

He closed the menu and sat it down. His demeanor changed on que. I tried not to look at him sensing his eyes burning a hole through me.

"When?" He asked calmly.

"A week ago." I held my hand under the table.

He just continued to stare at me making me more uncomfortable. The guilt was eating at me as I felt him falling apart across from me. That's why I feel I trapped him into the middle of this. But I had no other choice in the matter of marriage. Had I been able to voice my opinion in this marriage right now I would've waited until I talked to him. But things didn't work out that way. I don't regret sleeping with him I just regret hurting him.

"Why Abigail? Why now?" He asked.

I searched my brain for the real answer for the truth but the truth wasn't my own.

"We love each other." I reasoned.

He let out an annoyed chuckle and drank down his glass of patron.

I shifted in my seat I sat waiting for him to say something.

"So you need someone to tell you how to feel? And you think your happiness is real?" He questioned angrily.

"That's not fair and you know it." I said.

"Its not fair. What's no fair is you running to me every time he leaves and fucks Valerie or some other professional hoe. And when I think I'm being there for you helping you, you run back to him. Now that I've fallen in love with you, you married him." He spat.

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