VII.Love In the Sky

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Finally after a week locked in my room I picked up the phone and called someone for help. I had been seeing her for a few sessions a week. I moved all of Gabriel's things back into his room except for his bed it's more convenient for him to be next to me. Or maybe I just was to lonely and wanted company with me. Today I had another appointment with her and I refused to get a sitter so my baby was going wito me like every other day.

Abel and I have yet to speak about us but he does call and check on Gabriel he sends him little gifts in the mail. But I've been ok with just keeping it about the kid.

Then Suzy moved out a few days ago back with her parents saying she was transferring to the school closer to them. I didn't understand it since she asked to move with me to help out with Gabriel I wasn't asking for rent bit whatever I guess.

I made sure I put the bouncer in the trunk so he could be content whike I sat talking to a shrink. I couldn't believe I got back all the way to this point talking to some one about my problems. Even though it wasn't any drug problems that I had to confess in group sessions but I had to confess my thoughts. I had to give her a passenger seat in the suicide thoughts I had about him. But I have yet to open up about him but today would be the day. I put him in his car seat and headed to see Dr. Rita Nash.

Once there I checked in and sat watching a sleeping Gabriel as my mind wandered around hoping that today she wouldn't ask me about my screwed up parents and my growing up. I hated talking about them because I was still embarrassed about having an alcoholic mother and an asshole father who belittled women. I didn't like to think that I used drugs to escape away from the shit I went through with all three of them. They didn't seem worth to me at least not now but I guess my immature mind wasn't looking to the future. Some times I wished I could tell my dad exactly what I thought about him to tell him how bad he hurt me. But I hated him that much that I didn't care if he knew.

" Abigail Trotter! Dr. Nash is waiting for you." The receptionist said.

I grabbed my things and headed to her office it seemed that I'd dread the session but when it was over I couldn't wait to come back.

"Hello Abigail. It so great to see you and that sweet baby."she whispered.

"I wish I could say the same. I just don't feel comfortable letting a stranger know about my private life.c I said rudely.

She looked at me with the same smile on her face every time I said that to her. I took a seat and sat Gabriel on the side facing me to keep the light out of his face.

" Is this you?" She questioned holding up a magazine with a picture of me and Aubrey.

My heart sank I didn't know these made it to the damn tabloids. I just sat there mute and shocked at how cruel and intrusive people can be just to get a story.

" Is he Gabriel's father?" She asked.

I cleared my throat as the room seemed to get hotter. " No he's not." I said honestly.

" Well do you care to tell who Gabriel's father is?" She said writing in her notebook.

" He's a singer from Scarborough and right now he's on tour." I said.

" Are you two still together." Her nosy ass was easing her way in.

"No we never were together. But he is still in Gabriel's life I just decided that we should stick to parenting only. " I said honestly.

" You said you decided. What does that mean? " she asked annoying me.

If I had known she was going to bombard my life with questions I would've opted out of this session.

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