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I stared at the judge as he read me my charges of first degree murder and assult with a deadly weapon. " How does the defendant plead?" The middle aged judge asked.

"Not guilty. My client has no priors and is an upstanding citizen as a popular artist. He's willing to turn in his passport to stay here in Toronto with his wife and children." Kerry my lawyer chimed.

"You're honor his wife Abigail Tesfaye is also being investigated for an unrelated murder. We asked that the defendant be reprimanded." The prosecutor argues.

The judge nods and looks at the transcript. "Mr. Tesfaye I order you release with the condition of house arrest and to stay away from you're wife until this case is closed." He stated.

I looked at my lawyer and whispered in his ear.

"You're honor my client has informed me that his wife is pregnant on bed rest. Like Mr. Devoe says it's an unrelated investigation."

"Ok. Then house arrest and you are allowed to be with your wife under the condition you must check in with a court appointed probation officer. I'm releasing you on your own recognizance. Court adjourned." The gavel slammed and I was taken away.

I was ready to get home and be with Abby she was now back at home with the kids. We didn't need this shit right now with the stress and the baby she needed rest.

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I sat in the court room as they arraigned Abel. It was still unbelievable that he had killed Valerie something didn't sound right and I was going to get to the bottom of it. But for now he was my focus getting him back home with me and the kids. We were living out at the estates. It just seemed like all of this shit was happening too damn fast to be coincidental.

I pulled my scarf over my head and adjusted my sunglasses as I walked out of the courtroom. After exiting out the side I got into the truck that was waiting for me. As we drove off I called my pop pop.

"Hello." His frail voice chimed into the phone.

"Hi pop pop this is Abby. How are you doing?" I asked .

"Oh Abby baby hi. The old man is doing alright how about you. When am I going to see that baby again.?" He asked smiling into the phone.

I sat with a smile on my face I hadn't seen him in months since the day of my dad's funeral. " How about I stop at the office?"

"I'm not at the office today sweetie I'm at home you can come by anytime your know that." He stated.

I shifted in my seat. "On my way now." I said a few more things before we ended the call.

"Hey it the highway take me to Scarborough." He looked at me through the review mirror nodding his head.

As we pulled up I noticed Sheryl's car in front. "Here we go with this shit." I said under my breath.

I climbed out and walked to the huge wooden door knocking and ringing the doorbell. Once it opened I seen my nannies face with her bright green eyes. "Hi nanny." I kissed her check.

"Oh my sweet Abby. How are you?" She asked rubbing my protruding belly.

"I'm doing ok." I smiled at her.

"She hasn't told you she's married to a loser." Sheryl opened her big ass mouth.

Nanny turned to her. "You married one too but that didn't stop you did it." She looked at her evilly.

"Where's pop pop?" I said changing the subject before wigs and dentures get the flying.

"He's in his parlor waiting for you honey." Nanny said patting my back.

I kissed her once more and headed to his parlor. Once in I could see and smell the cigar and mint. " Hi pop pop." I said walking over to him.

He put out the cigar and stood to embrace me. "My Abby." He kissed my cheeks.

"Oh another one huh." He rubbed my belly.

"Yes fortunately he's a trooper." I chimed.

We took a seat and I eased our of my coat. "Pop pop I needed to talk to you."

"Shoot sweetie."

I fidgeted with my fingers. "There is this woman who I think is trying to frame me and my husband, but I'm not sure if we can get access to anything."

"What do you mean by framed?" He asked quizzically.

"Well I think she killed Suzy and is trying to frame me for it. She tried to make me have a miscarriage a few weeks ago by injecting me with this drug called MTX. He flipped out and went over there he said he didn't hurt her but he did put his hands on her. I'm not sure what happened really but their trying to say she's dead. And I know Abel maybe a lot of things but he's not killer pop pop." I rambled.

"Have they arraigned him yet?"

I nodded my head. "Yes this morning he should be released in a few more hours. But I have a feeling she's caused her own death and is trying to frame Abel. How can we prove that?"

"Let me make a few calls but in the meantime don't talk to anyone about the case either of you."

We talked more and I wasn't ready to tell him that the woman was his legitimate granddaughter. I'm sure if I did Sheryl would most likely try to protect her. I grabbed my purse and headed back to out giving pop pop and nanny a kiss goodbye. Sheryl waved at me as I walked out the door.

As we pulled into the gated community something seemed of not right. The security wasn't at the gate that was open. My mind raced as I thought about my kids. I jumped out the car and ran into the house yelling for Aioki and the kids, but no answer. My heart thumped as I thought about the worse. I fumbled with my phone as I dialed her cell but not answer. Then I called the police to get them over here. My gut wrenched at the thought out them being harmed or worse.

I would be nothing if something happened to my kids or Aioki.

"911 what's your emergency?" The annoyed tone rang in my ears.

"My kids and nanny are missing please send a patrol car."

"Have you tried calling the nanny?"

"Yes she's not answering and that's not like her. We're out in the middle no where and she has no vehicle."

"A patrol car is on the en route what's the address?"

"37 Jones Rd."

"Ok ma'am someone will be there soon."

I threw my phone on the couch pacing back and forth I heard a lawnmower going I walked to the door to see Ray.

"Hey Ray!" I yelled over the noise waving my arms.

"What's wrong Mrs. Tesfaye?" He asked shutting off the big machine.

"Have you seen Aioki and the kids?"

"Yeah a car came by and a woman got out. Your nanny left with her and took the kids."

My heart sank and my stomach turned in knots as I vomited. The cops pulled up in the driveway.

INFLICT "28 KISSES" Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now