XV. Or Nah

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I watched as she laid there asleep the argument last night wasn't what I had in mind. I wanted to make love to my wife. She didn't remember it because I didn't want her to or she would've wanted to back out of it. I wanted Abigail to know that I loved her to the depth of my soul. We made the best sex ever but I felt she didn't tell me everything that was wrong.

She fucked another man finally I knew this day would come. But I couldn't be mad at her for it no matter how much it ate me up inside. I see the fear in her eyes and the love in her heart and it all was for me. She feared what would happen to me and loved me too deep for anyone's understanding. I won't cry as long as he knew when I land that she was mine. There are certain things that I came to understand expectations can kill a simple man. I tried to master the art of that fly away love only so much can keep a woman but she was still here. I guess its not so simple to leave when love is the force that keeps you grounded.

I gave it to her like I was trying to make another baby I wanted her forever. She was the only one who kept me alive her and Gabriel. They gave me a reason to live and no matter what I understood what her pain was. She loved me and couldn't let me go but my addiction I couldn't let go not right now. It keep me ground on my career and where I wanted to be. The shit from my past I still couldn't let go.


I woke up to a note and breakfast I smiled and laid back down in his bed. I had spent a night with my husband.

"Oh my God! I'm married to Abel Tesfaye. I hope this marriage isn't a mistake." I said aloud to myself as I looked at the ceiling.

After eating my breakfast I took a nice long shower gazing at my 5ct Trinity Ruban ring. It was still a big shock and disbelief that we were now married. He told me he had planned on doing it before I had Gabriel but we argued and he didn't want to make me anymore upset. I'm still thinking since when has me being upset ever concerned him because thats all he ever seemed to do is make me mad. But I was the one being his puppet and playing the fool for love and a damn fool for pain.

After my shower I put on a pair of jeans and a crowl neck sleeveless blouse and custard wedges. I called Aioki to have her get him ready so I could pick him up. I was dreading the talk with Suzy today. In my heart there was nothing that she could possibly say to me that would make any sense. But I was going to see what she has to say anyway I still loved her. She has basically been there for me but she let her jealousy get in the way of our friendship.

Gabriel was in the backseat fussing and I was sitting in the car outside the cafe. Instead of driving back to my house I grabbed his baby bag and my things and we headed inside. As soon as we got inside I saw Suzy sitting in a window booth nibbling on her nails.

She scooted out the booth. " Hi Abby." She reached in for a hug but I pushed her away lightly.

I could tell just by the look in her eyes that she was using again. Her makeup was on pretty heavy but her eyes told me everything her weight seemed to have dropped.

We took a seat across from each other. " What's going on Suzy? Are you using again?" I asked getting straight to the point.

She cleared her throat." Its been rough not talking to you Abby. Your my only friend and what I did was wrong. So I didn't know what else to do." She said tears falling.

I rolled my eyes at her fucked up pity emotions. They were more for herself than for me. I'd she thinks that blaming her weakness on me not talking to her shes as crazy as she looks.

"That is my husband and I thought we were friends. But you let your jealousy screw our friendship up not me." I said evenly.

She sniffed and wiped her falling tears away.

INFLICT "28 KISSES" Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now