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I woke up to Sheryl standing over me her eyes red and drained of its tears. She looked tired and weary like life was whooping her ass. My throat was stuck together besides I didn't know what I would say to her anyway. My eyes fluttered back shut.

After the doctor checked me out he gave me instructions for a stricter diet. My blood sugar had dropped extremely low and I hadn't had a shot of insulin in a few days. The stress wasn't good and me having diabetes I couldn't handle the stress either. I struggled with taking care of myself when it came to my health. I was trying to hide it from Abel and Aioki as well as the case workers. I hated going keeping this a secret but I was ashamed of having it.

By the time I got home from the hospital Aioki was putting the boys in bed. When I woke back up Sheryl was gone. I guess she didn't want to be there or maybe she was tired. I sat my things on the counter and looked through the mail. I had a few checks to upload and a letter from the family services division. After reading through it reminding me of my court date I sat it back on the counter.

I took a long shower and grabbed a bit to eat so I could check my sugar. It was leveled so I laid down trying to go to sleep.

My mind wouldn't let go of the thoughts about Valerie and wondered if she even knew her real mother. She didn't miss much but she still needed to know at least who the woman was for her own sanity. Although she had done a lot to me, well not me per say but Abel. I still felt sympathy for her and the way she grew up as well. I kinda understood why she used people and that was because love was foreign to her.

But at some point you'll meet self destruction if you walked around oblivious to the damage you cause.

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I got the boys dressed with Aioki's help so we could make it to court on time. I was a little nervous as I didn't know what to expect. The day had been anticipated but it still was a sense of uncertainty.

Once at the court we met with Don and Abel called me to give me a few settling words of comfort. I hadn't told Don about what I knew because there were still some holes in the facts. Our case number was called and Don presented his case. It took a little more than an hour for them to argue the case. Sandy Blakeley was still in the hospital and was deemed incompetent to raise Samuel. Now we were on a lunch break so the judge could decide whether she would award me custody of put Samuel in foster care.

I sat in my seat as the judge looked over the papers in front her.

"As you all have presented the evaluation of this case of Samuel D. Trotter. I think that he is a now safe environment with his sister and only living relative who has been here in this process. So with that being said I would like to award Ms. Trotter temporary custody of Samuel D. Trotter for a period of three months. We will proceed back in exactly three months to place him permanently with the order to seek therapy for both Ms. Trotter and Samuel." She said slamming down the gavel.

I smiled and hugged Don thanking him for his help.

We walked out into the hall area and I grabbed Samuel.

" How would you like to live with me for a while?" I asked smiling from ear to ear.

A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth the first I've ever seen since this has began. "I'd love to. What about my grandma?" He asked.

I bit the corner of my mouth trying to figure out a way to explain things to him.

"She is trying to get herself together right now and in three months we might see her." I answered as best I could.

He nodded his head and hugged me. After our embrace we headed to the door so we could go home. My heart fluttered as I thought about us being able to move into our new home.

INFLICT "28 KISSES" Book TwoHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin