Chapter 8: Flirting Skills

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Luke's P.O.V

I woke the next morning to everyone sitting around me snickering. "What happened?" I ask. I look and see Holly and Calum trying to hide a marker. "You guys didn't. Did you?" I say.

They are all now laughing uncontrollably and I start to head up the stairs. At the bottom of the steps I turn and flip them off. I go to the bathroom and wash my face after looking at their drawings. They're idiots.

I go back into the living room and they all burst out laughing again. I glare at them as I go into the kitchen and make myself waffles. They soon come in and join me.

"You guys suck," I say and then laugh. We finish eating and then decide that we were going to go shopping for nothing really just walk around stores together.


We go to the mall and instantly Mike and Ash leave and go off together, so me, Cal, and Holly walked around together. We went to hot topic, target, and other random stores that I don't know the name of.

About two hours later we go and meet Ash and Mikey at a mexican restaurant. Once we get there we go over to the table they are and I instantly see that Michael got his ears pierced.

"What the hell did you do to your ears," Calum questions. "Pierced them. I think they look punk rock," Michael replies.

I laugh,"They do look good, but as hard as you try, you'll never be punk rock."

We finish our meal and we all decide to go home. I wish we didn't have to, but me, Cal, and Holly have school tomorrow. Michael would to, but he dropped out last year.

I get home and shower then got to bed. I hope that I can talk to Holly, or at least see her, at school tomorrow. I fall asleep while having Holly on my mind, yet again.

Holly's P.O.V

After having a great day with all the boys we decide to head home. I wish I could hang out more because they're a lot of fun. It's nice to at least be Luke's friend. Better than strangers.

When I get home my parents are in the living room fighting. They do that a lot. It gets really annoying. I sit outside waiting for it to finish. Sometimes it never ends, so I go to Ashton's house. I know I shouldn't but I start listening to what they were saying.

"You can't just walk out," my dad yells. "Watch me! I can't just sit around you bastard and that fucking slut I'm supposed to call my daughter! I fucking hate you guys!" my mom practically screams. "Don't talk about our daughter like that. You just need to calm down," my dad calmly says.

I didn't realize I was crying until now. Soon enough my mom throws the door open and barges out of the house. She sees me and glares,"Oh. The whore is here now. Just to let you know, I never loved you. I've always hated you. I'm leaving now bitch." She gets up and walks to her car, then flips me off.

I enter my house and run up to my room and just cry. Is that what people think of me? A slut, whore, and bitch. Or is it only my mom that thinks that.

I just cry and cry until my dad comes in,"Honey, I love you and you don't need to worry about your mom. She's only trying to hurt you. None of that is true I promise." He kisses my head then leaves.

I get up and shower. I go back into my bed and just think. I think about school, Luke, Ashton, Calum, Michael, and my mom.

I need to talk to someone but I think Ashton is avoiding me because of what happened at the sleepover. I call the other person I can think of.

"Holly? Hello? Are you crying?" I didn't even realize I was crying. "Can-can you come over. I-I need some-someone to talk to." I choke out. I burst out into even more tears. "Yeah of course. I'm on my way."

Soon enough Calum entered my bedroom. He's the person that I can trust the most right now. He comes into my bed and cuddles me. Not like a romantic cuddle. Like a comforting cuddle. After awhile of him holding me, my cries soften up. He asks,"Are you going to tell me what happened now?"

I tell him everything that just happened. "I'm so sorry Holly. None of that is true. You're an amazing person. Don't ever forget that."

Before I know it my mouth opened and I said,"I also have a major crush on Luke" Did I really just say that to Calum? I burst into tears again. "Shh It's gonna be okay. Don't worry."

Calum is so comforting. He's great. I soon fall asleep to Calum singing softly.

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