Chapter 21: Band Practice + 1

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Luke's P.O.V

I wake up the next morning with Holly wrapped in my arms. Waking up with her will never get old.

She's still asleep so I get up without waking her and go to the bathroom. My lip wasn't swollen and didn't hurt. That's a good sign. I clean it and then make breakfast for me and my lovely girlfriend.

I make pancakes and head upstairs to give Holly her food.

I kiss her head and shake her a little till she wakes up and I hand her the breakfast I made. She smiles and kisses me.

"Good morning gorgeous," I softly say. We eat up and I carry the dishes to the sink downstairs. I go upstairs and see Holly run to the bathroom.

Emergency toilet needed? I get dressed as I wait for Holly.

Holly's P.O.V

I run to the bathroom with an awful pain in my lower stomach. I thought I just needed to puke or something but instead I get my lovely monthly surprise. Great. Just great.

To make the situation better, I realize I have no feminine items for my needs. Wonderful. I can't go into town and get them so I'm stuck with one option.

Luke's P.O.V

I sit on Holly's bed wondering what's taking her so long. I go through my phone when Holly comes in and stands there with an unreadable expression on her face as she stares at the ground.

"Are you alright princess?"

She shakes her head no and I shoot up and go to her. "What's wrong? Are you alright?"

"I'm fine but you would do anything for me right?" she responds. Duh I would do anything for her.

"Of course. What do you need?"

"Well-uh-I kinda need girly items."

Huh? "What girly items exactly?" I think I know but I hope I'm wrong.

"You know...the one that starts with T."

Tampons. The girl needs those. I sigh understanding,"I'll go get them. You stay here."

She thanks me and kisses my nose and I head out of the house. I rush to the store and go through a very embarrassing moment of not knowing what to buy and asking a lady worker and then buying them with a guy cashier. I also bought her chocolate because girls like that right?

I run home and hand Holly her stuff and she thanks me again and I chuckle because of how cute she looks. She runs to the bathroom and showers then comes out and thanks me again.

I shut her up by kissing her which got heated quickly. I carried her onto the bed and got on top and kissed down her neck. I sucked on a spot as she moaned and I quickly kissed the now purple mark on her neck and went straight to her lips.

I jumped off her even though I didn't want to but I knew it would get her upset.

She's cute when she's upset. "Why'd you stop?" She whines. I smile and run out of the house and she follows. When she gets to me I kiss her and we walk to Michael's house so we could hang out before band practice.

When we get there we walk in to be greeted by a girl that I've never seen before. Her face drops and I just walk into Michael's room to see Mike and Ash fighting over something stupid seeing it's not an actual argument.

I clear my throat and ask,"Who's the girl downstairs that face dropped when she saw us?"

"Haley. She's my friend. She thought I was kidding when I said I was in a band. Our band. Her old friend likes us so she kinda knew of us and when she met Michael I think she had a small heart attack. But she's nice," Ashton gives us a long reply. He always has long replies.

We nod our heads and plop on Mike's bed with the other two. Haley I guess soon comes in and joins us but she sits in Michael's computer chair.

We all start getting to know her and she seems cool.

"I think Ash has a little crush," Holly whispers in my ear. I nod my head in agreement and whisper back,"At least it's not my girlfriend." She smiles and we go back to the conversation.

Soon after Cal and Grace come in the room laughing and joins us. We all talk and decide to next time share any song lyrics we wrote. So this band practice turned into a 'let's order pizza' from Holly and 'truth or dare is happening everyone sit in a circle' from Grace.

We play truth or dare way to often. I think we're only doing it now because we have Haley joining us.

Ashton started and said,"Haley oh Haley. Truth or Dare."

She laughs and replies with a dare.

"Hm. I dare you to kiss me." I knew this was coming. She goes over to him and kisses him but something I least excepted happened. Michael tensed up and glared at Ashton before looking away from them kissing.

Why is there always girl problems with Ashton? Haley goes back to her spot and asks,"Michael truth or dare?"


"Who is the prettiest girl in the room right now?"

"You," Mike replies blushing. So Haley has two people that want her. Ashton glares at Michael but Michael just smirks.

"Luke truth or dare"

He always picks me. "Uh dare."

"Seven minutes in heaven with Holly. Go."

I smile because this had to be the easiest dare ever. I pick her up and go to the bathroom. We both smile because Michael just gave us an easy reason to make out.

She crashes her lips into mine and I push her up against the wall which earns a moan from her. She pulls on my hair and I let out a moan that was louder than expected. Maybe to loud.

I pull away and say jump and she does as I say and wraps her legs around my waist. I put my lips back on hers as my hands roam to her butt. She has a very nice butt might I add. I squeezed her butt and she let out a very loud moan.

That's when we heard banging on the door and yelling people saying our time is up. I get the wrinkles out of my shirt and fix my hair as Holly does the same. We leave the bathroom and the all just stare at us. I smirk and Holly blushes. We sit back down and continue the game which was more just saying random stuff and laughing.

We finished the pizza and that's when I decided to go home. I pick Holly up and we say our goodbyes. I carry Holly down the stairs and she says,"You always carry me."

"That a problem with you?" I question.

She giggles,"No not at all. It's cute and romantic." I kiss her and set her down as we walk to her house.

We get to her house and change and just talk until we both fell asleep.

Ashton's P.O.V

"See you later loser," Haley says after I walk her to her house. I laugh as she opens her front door.

"Wait Haley," I say. It's better sooner than later right? She turns around and I crash my lips into hers.

after a few seconds she pulls away and says,"Sorry Ash. I just don't like you that way. I like someone else. I hope you understand."

I nod my head and walk off felling heart broken. I mean I don't even know if I like her for her or the thought of her getting my mind away from Holly. She said she liked someone else anyway. Who though?

I get home and in my room and instantly fall asleep just to leave reality for awhile.

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