Chapter 28: Tour?

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Luke's P.O.V

After taking numerous days off school we're back. When I mean we're I mean, Holly, Grace, and I. Calum dropped out because the band.

Us three walk to school and head to our first, 3 classes. School sucks especially when you don't have Calum in your classes to talk to.

The day was extremely long and boring until I got called out of class and was told to go up to the office.

"Mr.Hemmings. You need to leave immediately for an emergency. This letter was dropped off with private information with the situation," The lady in the office says.

I read the letter and I have to go to a studio to have a meeting with the boys. I sign myself out and head over to the studio.


I run inside and see the 1D boys along with Calum and Ashton. "Where's Michael?" I ask.

"He'll be here any second then we can start." A man says. I nod my head and sit down. Soon enough a wild Michael comes slumping in with blood shot eyes and a tear stained face.

"Mike are you alright?" Calum asks. He shakes his head but brushes off our questions. We start the meeting anyway and once people start talking I wrap my arms around Michael's waist as if we were a couple and he nuzzles his head into the crook of my neck.

"So Hello boys. I'm here today as One Direction's manager to ask you guys how the band is doing?" A man asks us.

We all said good, well except Michael who is hiding his face in my neck and by the way I feel water on my neck and shirt, he's crying. I rub his back and I think he kisses my neck. I'm not sure.

"So we want to ask you guys a very serious question." The man continues. We nod our heads and the 1D boys jump up and yell,"Do you want to come on our Take Me Home tour with us!!"

What. The. Hell. Is. Going. On.

Calum and Ashton start jumping up and down meanwhile I'm still holding Michael. We all say yes and I feel my smile going ear to ear. Michael looks up and I see a happy face on him even though he looks horrible.

We all head to our houses and I check twitter. I HAVE NINE THOUSAND FOLLOWERS! I check the band's twitter and we have TWO MILLION FOLLOWERS! We are going to be famous!

Michael's P.O.V

I slump into my bed and stare at the ceiling. How can one day have something horrible happen and something amazing happen.

I'm stuck in between sadness and happiness.

Today's events played through my mind, one by one.

~The start of the Day~

I walk over to Haley's. Better tell her sooner than later.

I walk in her house and into her bedroom to see her pacing back and forth. "Haley?" I say. Why is she pacing?

She turns to face me and runs into my arms,"Michael! Where were you? Why didn't you check your phone!"

"I don't know I just haven't been on my phone. Can we-uh talk about something serious?"

"Of course." We sit on her bed and I kiss her one last time before this ends. "So I was really upset and sad about Ashton so I went to a bar after dropping you off here." I start. This is already really hard to do.

She nods her head and I continue,"I drank a lot and I thought I saw you." I didn't realize I was crying until she wiped my tears.

"Michael" she softly says. "I went over and I seriously thought it was you. I kiss you, well her, and I should've known it wasn't you because it didn't feel right."

I look up to she her softly crying. I'm fully crying but I continue,"We went to a room and made out then fell asleep. That's it but still. I regret it. I was drunk. I can't believe it happened. I thought it was you the whole time. I only found out it wasn't when I woke up and she looked nothing like you. You're beautiful and she was an ugly skank. I'm sorry Haley. I just-I just-I just love you. I love you a lot."

I finished and now I was sobbing. She hugs me and we cry into each others arms. She lets go and runs into the bathroom.

I chase after her and sit with my back against the door. I hear her crying and I hug my knees into my chest.

"I love you to Michael. So very much." I hear her quietly say in between sobs. Maybe this will work out after all. Maybe she will forgive me and we can be together still.

She opens the door and I get up. She stares at the ground and says,"I love you but I don't think this will work after cheated on me. I know you were drunk but if we stay together it'll just eat at me. I'm sorry. I love you." She walks to her room and closes the door.

I'm stuck in my spot. I stand corrected. We're not together anymore. No more Haley+Michael. Nothing. We're nothing. She was my everything and now that I don't have her I'm nothing. My life is nothing without her.

I don't know how but I got back to my house and in my bed. I just cried and cried and cried. My mind was blank but my whole body was trembling. I was in pain. It hurt.

"Michael! Answer your phone! You have a band meeting and you need to be there right now!" I hear my mom yell through my bedroom door.

I groan as I get up and walk to the studio that my mom gave me the address of. I walk in and ignore their questions and slump into a seat next little Lukey.

The start talking but I ignore them. I feel Luke wrap his arms around my waist and I put my face into his neck. He's always so comforting.

I can't hold it in anymore. I cry into Luke's body and he rubs my back. I can't talk so I thank him by kissing his neck.

I try to pay attention to the meeting but all I hear is 'you' 'and tour.' THEY WANT US TO GO ON TOUR WITH THEM?!

I hear Cal and Ash celebrating and I feel Luke smiling although I can't see. I lift my head up and smile. We're going to be famous!

~Present Time~

I lay in my bed those scenes playing over and over. I write in my song journal but I'm sure it sucks because I'm crying and I don't even know what words are being written.

I don't know when it happened but I was soon asleep and cuddling my pillow.

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