Chapter 26: Drama

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Calum's P.O.V

I'm sitting in Grace's living room but I can't pay attention to anything around me. Harry Styles in the famous boy band called One Direction kissed MY girlfriend. Mine. She's mine and nothing will change that.

Then I punched him. Is this all going to ruin our chance of becoming famous? I mean them just tweeting us got us a lot of more fans and followers but still.

"CALUM THOMAS HOOD," I hear someone yell, which snaps me out of my thoughts. "Yes Grace?" I mumble.

"What's on your mind babe? Are you alright?" she questions. I just ignore it and she sighs,"Was it about that kiss last night? It meant nothing and I didn't even kiss because I only ever want to kiss you."

I sigh and just kiss her. "I know. I just hope it doesn't ruin anything," I explain. She nods her head and kisses me again.

Now that I have it sorted out with Grace, I need to find a way to fix it with the rest.

Ashton's P.O.V

I run through my empty house and straight to the bathroom. I set the items I just bought on the counter and stared at them.

Do it Ashton, it's for the best.

I sit on the toilet seat and start writing.

Dear People,

I just can't deal with myself anymore. I'm always the odd one out. Always left out. Never noticed.

I love you all but I just can't keep dealing with all this pointless crap and always be happy. If I do this now it gives the band a chance to find a new drummer before anything to serious happens. You guys just need to move on in life and know that I'm happier now.

I will always love each and every one of you.


I set the paper down and open the bottle with all the pills. Here goes nothing.

I don't bother counting how many I take I just know it's a lot. Once I get most of them down I grab the blade.

I start cutting. One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, and then everything goes black and I feel nothing.

Holly's P.O.V

I run down the staircase and jump on Luke's back. We laugh and he spins us around and then plops us both on the couch.

"Luke, can we hang out with Ashton today? Just me, you, and him?" I ask.

"Of course," he replies as he kisses me. That was until Calum and Grace burst through door.

"Guys we need to talk. I feel guilty for punching Harry because I know it was a mistake. Please don't be mad at me. I love you both," Calum blurts out really fast.

Luke and I laugh and say,"We love you to" at the same time. Calum smiles and says,"Well off for the next apology!" He runs out of the house Grace following him.

That's when we both get up and head over to Ashton's house. We walk inside and see that it's empty. I remind Luke that Ash's mom took Harry and Lauren, ashton's siblings, to a waterpark but Ashton stayed here.

We go upstairs and see Ashton's room is empty. We turn around and see the bathroom light on but the door closed.

I knock on the door and say,"Hey Ash? You in there?" No reply. Shit. Is he cutting again? "Ash it's okay I'm here for you I can help you and talk with you," I say. No reply.

I glance at Luke and we both have worried expressions. We both start banging on the door and nobody ever replies. "Fuck it. I love him to much," Luke says as he kicks the door down.

We were revealed to blades, pills, and Ashton laying on the floor covered in blood and not breathing. "Luke! Call 911! Please do it Luke! Luke help!" I say bursting into tears. Luke steps out of the room and calls 911. I clean Ashton up a bit and kiss his cheeks and forehead.

I can't believe this is happening. I just cry and hold Ashton in my arms until he's pull out of my grip and carried downstairs by the paramedics. I watch them put him in the ambulance and drive him away.

I fall to the ground and just cry.

Luke's P.O.V

I clean the bathroom up of all the blood and flush the blades and pills down the toilet. I really want to cry right now but I need to stay strong for Ashton, and even Holly.

I just can't believe this actually is happening.

I find a piece of paper and realize it's his note. I know he's going to fight through this and get better so there is no need for the note. I tear it up and trow it away.

I go downstairs and see Holly in tears while lying on the floor. I pick her up and carry her to the couch. I lay her in my arms and she just cries into my neck.

I calm her down and she softly says,"Let's go see him and make sure he's okay." I nod my head and get up. I grab to water bottles and make sure Ashton's house is locked up before we head down the street to the hospital.

Calum's P.O.V

I'm going great. I apologized to everyone except Harry. The boys said he remembers nothing about kissing Grace or getting punched which I understand because he was completely drunk.

Grace and I head over to their hotel and their are about a thousand girls outside. Wow. They sure are famous.

As we walk up to the entrance we hear people calling my name. I turn around and see a bunch of fans trying to get my attention. Well this is different.

"Calum can I get a photo!" I hear a bunch of girls yell. I take a few selfies and head inside. I go up to Harry's room but instead I see him walking in the hall.

We walk up to each other and we both start apologizing. We laugh it off and hug. Everything is all good. That's until I got a call.


"Yes Luke?"

"Calum. Ashton's in the hospital. He attempted suicide and Holly and I found him. Nobody ahs told us anything yet but come down to the hospital. Don't tell the 1D boys please. Ashton should decide if they know or not. Grab Michael, Haley, and Grace and come to the hospital," Luke says quietly ina a sad tone of voice.

What. I know he wouldn't joke so instead of replying I hung up and grabbed Grace's arm. The hospital was right next to the hotel so we ran into the entrance.

We ran around until we were told Ashton was upstairs so we ran up the steps and saw a pale, crying Holly and Luke comforting her.

This is all real. I look at Grace and whisper in her ear what happened and pull away to see a few teardrops fall off her face.

I hug her as I hold in all my tears for the sake of the others. I make eye contact with Luke and we just have sad expressions.

You could tell he was holding in his tears to. I walk into a quieter area and call Michael. He was with Haley so I explained to them both on speaker phone what happened and how they need to get to the hospital as soon as possible.

Not long later Michael and a crying Haley come walking into the room. The nurses gave us a private room because we could be waiting awhile.

Luke, Michael and I all comfort our girls but I couldn't hold it in anymore. I start sobbing into Grace's shoulder and we just cry in each others arms.

I almost lost my best friend today. This is one of the worst experiences ever. I love Ashton to much to lose him.

I look through my teary eyes to see Michael and Luke broke and were now crying to. We all just cried in each others arms and hoped Ashton was okay.

The UnexpectedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora