Chapter 30: Complete

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Holly's P.O.V

We walk into the pizza shop and see the boys sitting at the table. The three of us link arms, Haley in the middle.

I don't think she noticed the boys because she hasn't said anything. We walk over to a table Grace yells,"Oh hey guys!" Here we go. Haley tenses up when she sees Michael and she looks as if she's about to cry. Michael looks down and wipes the few tears he let fall.

"Hey let's go sit with them," Grace continues. "Uh Guys! I'm not sitting over there!" Haley complains. Grace and I whine until she let's us and we go sit with the boys. We sit at a round table in order of Ashton, Haley, Calum, Grace, Luke, Me, and then Michael.

I can feel the sad, awkward vibes coming from Michael and it's uncomfortable. We start chit chatting but Michael and Haley stay quiet.

This is going to be hard to do. I whisper my plan to Luke and he nods. He texts Calum and Ash and I text Grace. I hear them quietly laugh but everyone agrees.

"I'm going to order now guys. The normal right," Calum says winking at us. We all nod and now it's Luke's turn. This should be interesting.

"I was practicing my guitar all night last night and now my hands hurt," Luke starts. "Oh do they now," I say.

Michael laughs to himself and I ask,"What's so funny Michael?" "I'm pretty sure his hands were doing other things than playing guitar," he quietly says. I see Haley smile and we all laugh.

"What I was getting at was I have to pee but I need assistance. Ashton will you help me go potty," he says while trying not to laugh.

I can't believe that's what he came up with. "Sure thang bud," Ashton says as they both leave. "What the hell," I hear Haley say to herself. "Gay guys these days," Michael scoffs.

I go and whisper to Haley,"I need a tampon. Do you have one or have change for one?" She shakes her head.

Perfect. I go to Grace and whisper,"Bathroom with me now. Let's hope for the best." She nods her head and I say to Michael and Haley the last to left at the table,"We'll be back."

"Wait don't leave me!" Haley says jumping out of her seat. "I need to use the bathroom remember," I say to her. "I'll come with you," she says trying to follow.

"There's a rule of only two people aloud in the bathroom sorry Haley," Grace says. "What the fuck! When did that become a rule?," Haley says.

"It's been the rule, we'll be right back." I say as we walk away and see Haley sit back down.

"Those shits better talk," Grace says as we walk to the bathroom. We almost walk in until two arms come around the each of us and we get pulled into the boys bathroom.

"Really guys," I say as Ashton and Luke laugh. "There's a great view of the table in here so we can see if they talk or not," Luke says as we all watch.

Calum soon joined us and we all just watched the two people in love find there way back to each other.

Michael's P.O.V

"You know they planned this," I softly say to Haley. "Yeah I know," she replies. We sit in silence until she asks,"So how have you been."

I really missed her voice. "Uh awful. Terrible. Sucky. And how about you?" I reply. Was that to much?

"Same actually," She replied,"This is my first time leaving the house and I was forced by the two girl liars."

I laugh,"Same here. I was forced by three idiots. Luke even pulled my pants down for me so I would shower."

She laughed really hard and it was so adorable,"Did he really?" I nod my head and we continue laughing. I really missed laughing with her.

"I bet they're all watching us right now," she said. "Yeah. Wanna trick them?" I say. She nods her head I look in the direction of the bathrooms and see them all peeping their head out.

"Well right now they're all in the boys bathroom watching us so when they look away let's make a run for it," I say. She looks and sees them and laughs.

I look and say,"Get ready." They notice me watching them and hide. "Go!" We say at the same time. We run out of the shop and into the shoe store next door.

We laugh and walk around. "I was looking forward for that pizza actually," she says. "Me to. Let's gp to the other pizza shop down the street," I reply as we leave.


After getting back on good terms Holly and I decide to go to Luke's house and play his fifa game because he has the newest version. We get inside and we had tied. She won two games and I won two games.

"This is war Clifford," she says laughing. "Nice try Mitchell," I say as I one the last game. "You suck ass," she says throwing her controller on the couch.

We were sat next to each other and all I could do is stare at how beautiful she is. She looks at me and stares into my eyes. Damn she's so gorgeous. Before I know it I feel her soft lips against mine and I felt fireworks go off in my stomach.

She moves her legs so she's straddling me and I praise the lord that Luke's family isn't home. She kisses down my neck leaving various purple marks. I then flip her so her back is on the couch and I'm on top.

I leave marks down her neck and then return to her lips.

"Michael." she says pulling apart.


"I overreacted. Can we give us another try. I love you."

"I've been waiting to hear those words. I love you so much. My wonderful girlfriend."

She smiles and we start kissing again but stop when we hear cheering and clapping coming from behind us.

We both flip them off and they go upstairs and leave us alone.

Holly's P.O.V

"Shit. Guys they left," Grace says as we look out the bathroom door. They left when we weren't looking. They better be happy with each other at least.

We eat our pizza and leave to go to Luke's house. "Luke is your family home," I ask. "Not yet why," he replies. "I point to his house and say,"The light is on."

We look through the window and see Haley straddling Michael and fifa running in the background. "Why my house," Luke mumbles and we walk inside to see Michael on top of Haley.

We all look at each other as we all start cheering. The both flip us off. They really are perfect for each other.

We go upstairs and listen to music and talk as we wait for the two lovebirds downstairs to do something.

"You guys are dicks," Haley and Michael say as they burst through the door holding hands. "Thank you but aren't you guys happy you're our friends?" Ashton says. They laugh and join us as we all just talk and laugh until we fall asleep.

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