Chapter 25: Preforming for 1D

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Luke's P.O.V

I'm sitting in Michael's bedroom and Calum handed us a song he wrote called Over The Limit. He says that it had nothing to to do with him, that he just thought of it.

That's usually how it goes. We all change up the lyrics and even the title to Out Of My Limit because it went better.

We just did the normal band practice stuff. Nothing involving the band. That's until our lovely ladies come crashing into the bedroom laughing so hard they were crying.

The all sat with us and I kissed Holly but it was hard when she couldn't stop laughing. They just kept laughing while us boys stayed quiet and confused.

"Okay what the hell is so funny." Calum says.

They all calm down and mutter nothings. Then Holly smiled and jumped up,"Do we get to meet One Direction?!"

"Duh," a British voice comes from outside the bedroom door. All the girls faces drop and I think Grace almost fainted before Cal put an arm around her.

5 boys then walk in the room and we all start talking while the girls stare in awe. Holly just stared at her hands and I tightened my grip around her waist and kissed her temple she smiles and looks at me.

I kiss her and then we hear everyone yelling,"PDA PDA PDA!" We pull apart and Holly blushes and I give them the middle finger.

"Before you suck her face off Luke, Can you introduce us," Harry says. I laugh and say,"This is my wonderful girlfriend Holly. I luh her." I pinch her cheek and she smiles.

"Hi nice to meet you guys," she says. "It's our pleasure darling," Harry says.

Mike and Cal then introduce Grace and Haley and then all the girls finally join the conversation before Niall cuts everyone off saying,"Can we finally see you preform yet, or what?"

We all agree to go downstairs and play for them and my heart starts racing. This is it. This could determine if we become famous or not.

All the boys and the girls sit in front of us as we get situated. We decide on playing Over & Over first so we start off.

Calum sings, I sing, we all sing, then it goes to my very important part.

Here goes nothing.

"Every night we play Over and Oveeerrrr," I sing going up and down in tone. That was better than I thought it was going to be.

We decide on playing Unpredictable next and I get nervous it being about Holly. "Why don't you introduce it Luke," Michael says smirking. That shit.

"I'd rather we just play it."

Boo's come from our little audience and I sigh a 'fine'.

"So I wrote this song and I wrote it about Holly and that's why Michael wanted me to talk about it," I say quickly.

Holly blushes and everyone 'awes' as we start playing. I keep eye contact with Holly the whole time and she just smiles a really beautiful smile.

We then play Gotta Get Out. Then when we were supposed to be done Calum starts begging us to play Out Of My Limit.

"Cal we literally just learned it today," I say.

"So we can watch the first performance. Great!," Louis says from the couch. We all groan and we start playing.

It all surprisingly went smoothly. I smile and The other band silences. They look at each other and nod.

"Our manager wanted to tell you but we think this is a better time to say it," Liam starts. They all look at each other and my heart races from nervousness.

They remain silent and I feel like I'm to puke. "Fucking spit it out I'm dying over here!" Michael yells.

"Jesus. We're thinking of a way to say it without making awkward," Louis says. "Well we think you're a great band we wan to help you get famous. We don't know how yet but we'll start small," Harry says.

"Holy shit!" I say jumping up and down. The girls all looked shocked but are smiling. My band are just swearing, cheering, dancing, and jumping. I run to Holly and pick her up. I spin her around and she laughs.

I crash my lips into hers. Everything is absolutely perfect right now. This is wonderful!

I run over to my band and we have a group hug and I think Michael almost kissed me he was so happy.

"This calls for a celebration!" The four of us yell at the same time. We agree to go meet up at my house around seven. I then grab Holly's hand and pull her out of the house. We walk to my house and I run inside so overjoyed. We plop on the couch and I check my phone. All the 1D boys tweeted our band just to get people noticing us.

"I'm so proud of you! I can't believe you're going to be famous! I'm do happy!" Holly says. I smile and kiss her.

We hang out around the house and talk about the band a lot. I can't believe our band has gotten this far!

"Hey fuckers! We're here!" Michael says slamming my front door open. Everyone in my band and their girlfriends are here so we sit and talk while waiting for the rest.

"Hey lads we're here!" Harry says as they all crash into the house.

The rest of the night went with everyone drunker than drunk. That was until Harry crashed his lips into Grace's. I quickly sober up and yell,"Hey man! Get off Calum's girl! That's not cool!"

Calum comes storming into the living room from the direction of the kitchen and grabs Grace. "If you ever and I mean ever touch my girl again you won't get away with it!" Calum yells really loud that I think my ear drum popped.

The he punched Harry in the face and him and Grace went upstairs. Harry's face is bleeding but he just d=stormed out of the house.

"I think we'll go now," Zayn says. They all get up and leave except for Niall.

"I'm staying. Drama isn't fun." Niall says. We all then finish our drinks then start drinking more water until we all pass out in the wee hours of night.

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