Chapter 20: Changes

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Ashton's P.O.V

I lay in bed just thinking. Was I not good enough for Holly? Did I do something? I was starting to think that maybe we had a chance but she likes Luke.

Luke. He's a great guy but why him

Why not him? He's not ugly, he's smart, funny, and cares for her a lot.

I get up and put clothes on and go for a walk. I've been going on a lot of walks lately. Mostly just to clear my mind.

I walk to the park and see a girl sitting on the swings. Why is she out this late? It's like 3am!

I walk up to her and put my hand on her shoulder. She gets startled but I was quick to say,"Don't worry, I'm not going to kill you."

She laughs it off and I sit on the swing next to her.

"Why is a pretty girl like you out this late?" I ask.

She blushes because of my compliment but replies,"Clearing my head. What about you, handsome giggly boy?"

I feel my cheeks heat up,"Same as you." She nods her head.

"What's your name by the way?" She asks.

"Ashton Irwin, and you?"

"Uh Haley. Haley Mitchell." She smiles.

She's actually really beautiful. Like she's gorgeous.

"My uh-well ex friend obsesses over a band and their I think drummer's name is Ashton," Haley says. I laugh because she's probably talking about me since we're getting more and more famous.

"What would you do if I said I was in a band and I was the drummer and my name is Ashton," I reply. Her expression drops.

"R-really? She like really loves you guys."

"Thanks but I remember you saying 'ex friend'. Why is that," I ask curiously. "Well. I turned out to be a 'back stabbing slutty little bitch' and now I have no friends and school sucks when you have nobody," she replies.

"Ouch. Well I'm sorry. I'll be your friend but I'm not in school," I say trying to lighten the mood.

"Why aren't you in school?" Haley asks.

"I graduated. I'm 19, but I have friends that are in school. You wanna meet them," I ask. Haley seems like she could be part of the group one day.

"Why not? I've got nothing else" We laugh and exchange phone numbers. "I'll walk you home," I say not wanting her to get kidnapped.

She nods her head as we to her home. "Thanks Ash. Just talking made me feel better. Text me sometime," she says as she walks into her home.

I go back to my place and instantly fall right asleep.


Holly's P.O.V

I wake up the next morning and get ready for another long day at school. At least we van hang out with Grace and Calum won't feel like a third wheel.

I think about Luke. He's absolutely amazing. I still can't believe I'm dating that boy.

I finish getting ready and stand outside waiting for Luke or Calum. Soon enough I see Calum's head come bobbing down the road.

I walk to him as he says,"Next stop Grace's house." We make small talk until Grace joins us and thats when Calum turns his attention to her. They're one cute couple.

I wonder if Luke looks at me the same way Calum looks at Grace. We get to Luke's house and he walks down his driveway. I run and jump and wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He puts his hands on my butt as I kiss him.

We pull apart and smile. His smile is so cute. I jump down as we all continue walking.

After a long day of school we all head home and I go to Luke's house. I run up his stairs and jump onto his bed and he joins me.

We talk and talk for what felt like ages until he blurts,"I've always been the same. Like looked the same. I want to do something different to myself. What do you think?"

Wow. That sure was random. "I feel the same way. Let's change something on ourselves."

"Alright let's go to the mall and change ourselves," he says. Okay. I go to my boyfriend's house and I end up changing. It's more exciting than it sounds.

We go to the mall and head straight to the hair salon. I get blonde highlights and a haircut. My hair was not short but right above my boob.

Next we go to the piercing shop. Luke goes one way I go the other. We didn't tell each other what we were piercing so I'm excited to see Luke.

I get my ear's pierced on the top twice each ear. So now both of my ears have three holes. My lobe and twice on top. I look in the mirror and I think it looks great but it stings. As I'm walking back to the waiting spot I hear a screech and instantly know it's Luke.

I start laughing although I shouldn't knowing he's in pain but I've never heard someone screech like that. I calm down and soon after Luke walks out with a lip piercing. It was just a stud since he just got it but it was hot.

Like really hot. I think I was drooling all over it was so hot. Luke has watery eyes probably because of his lip but I stand up and hug him. That's when I remember I got my ears pierced and I jump back in pain.

He tries to laugh but his lip stops him so we just stand there.

"I would kiss you but I'm guessing your lip hurts really bad and also since it hurts your drooling down yourself," I say while laughing. His lip is hanging and drool is just spilling out.

How nice. We walk back to Luke's house in silence since Luke's lip is now swollen and when we get there Luke covers his face and we run upstairs.

Why did we run?

His mom was in the living room so I'm guessing he didn't tell her he was getting a lip piercing. We shut Luke's door and I gently grab a tissue and wipe Luke's drool. I give him pain killers and boy it was fun watching him swallow them.

We put music on and laid down cuddling. Luke's back was against headboard and his legs were spread while I was laying with my back on his chest in between his legs.

I was really happy with him. With or without talking.

"Do you want to stay the night at my house to avoid your mom's questions," I ask wondering what he'll eventually tell her.

He nods his head and we walk back to my house. He goes and showers and I start to clean the house. I clean the kitchen, living room, staircase and upstairs hallway when Luke came out in just a towel.

He took like and hour shower so I hope he was satisfied. He just stands there and I can't help but stare. He chuckles all he can with his lip and walks into my room to get dressed.

That had to be the best sight I've ever seen.

I do the laundry and head upstairs to my room to see what Luke was doing to see him sitting on my bed in still just a towel on his phone.

What is this boy trying to do to me? I stand in the middle of me room and just stare at him up and down. He gets up and walks to me and closes my mouth with his hand.

I didn't even know I was drooling. He gets dressed and I change into pajamas and we fall asleep in each others arms.

Ashton's P.O.V

I lay in bed texting Haley. We've gotten to know each other better and I told all about Holly and the band and pretty much everything and she told me about all her friends.

I texted her asking if she would come to the next band practice and she said sure. I'm glad that she has a chance of making new and better friends.

I send her a goodnight text fall asleep.

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