Chapter 32: Families

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Luke's P.O.V

"Luke! Wake up! The cool guy is back!" I hear someone yell from the foot of my bed. I groan and open my eyes to see Ben smiling.

I sit up and throw my pillow at him. "Did you really just do that?" he asks. I glare at him as he picks up my pillow and starts hitting me with it. I roll out of bed and attempt to run to the bathroom just to be hit by another pillow.

I turn around and see Jack smiling as he starts hitting me with his pillow. Ben soon joins him and I just try to dodge the hits but fail. They laugh as they stop and both wrap their arms around me.

"Aw how cute! Luke! I missed you!" I hear my mom say as she joins the group hug. My dad soon joins and I'm stuck in the middle of my family members and my face is in Jack's armpit. Lovely.

They all pull away and start unpacking and I get everything set up for the party today. I hope it goes well.

Holly's P.O.V

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" I hear people saying as they jump on my bed. I groan as I open my eyes to see Grace and Haley bouncing on my bed.

They both plop on either side of me. "We have to get up and get ready for the party," Haley says. We all sit up at the same time and walk downstairs. We eat cereal then I hop in the shower. I get out and Grace jumps in right after me.

I go to my room and put my robe on. Haley puts music on and we dance around until Grace comes in and Haley leaves to shower herself.

"Couldn't you guys shower at your own house," I say. "We like your shampoo," Grace shrugs it off. We laugh as we wait for Haley so we could start getting ready.

She soon comes in and we all grab our dresses and undergarments. We take turns blow drying our hair and I curl mine a bit. Haley makes her hair straight and Grace styles hers into an up-do.

We help each other do our make up to match our dresses then we finally put the dresses on. My dress was red and strapless. It was short in the front and long in the back. Grace had a navy blue dress that tied around the neck and came to mid-thigh. It fit her curves perfectly. Haley had a white dress that was tight around the chest but then flowed the rest of the way.

We were acting like it was prom but really it was a party at my boyfriend's house with all the boys parents and the boys of One Direction.

We put on our jewelry, mine consisting of earrings and a necklace. We put on our high heels even though I hate them because they kill my feet.

"Ready ladies?" Haley says as we smile up front of the mirror. We all head out of the house and praise the lord Luke lives down the street.

We walk up to the door and enter the house to see Luke's mom putting earrings in and Luke's brothers fighting over something. Liz notices us and her jaw drops.

"You girls look so gorgeous! How did my son meet you? Oh my goodness you're all so beautiful!" She babbles on. I blush, the compliments being from my boyfriend's mom.

"Thank you so much. You look wonderful to," I say as each of us hug her. We sit on the couch and wait for Luke.

The doorbell rings and I rush to open it. I open it to see Calum's mom smiling widely. "Hello dear! You look wonderful," she says. "You look great to, Joy" I say letting everyone inside. Calum is last as he's linked arms with his beautiful sister.

When I say beautiful, I mean wow. She's literally perfect. "Grace is in there waiting for Mr.Hood." I say smiling at the cute brother sister relationship in front of me.

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