Chapter 15: I Think I Want Him

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Holly's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning to be facing Luke's chest.

I check the time and see it's only 8:23 am. I decide to let Luke sleep so I just lay there making sure not to wake him up.

I lay there just thinking. What did I deserve to have a great guy like Luke cuddled up next to me? Taking care of me? Worrying about me?

What did I do that made him like me? Why does he like me? I'm worthless. I have nothing going for me.

But Luke. He has straight A's in school. He's in a band that's getting more popular on YouTube. He cute. He's kind. He's perfect. The way his blue eyes sparkle. The way he does his hair. I'll never get over how good his quiff looks on him.

I hope we can be more than friends one day but why would he ever what to be with a C average student. Who doesn't know how to make up her mind and can't present herself well?

I get jolted out of my thoughts when I hear Luke's raspy morning voice. His voice is so nice I pretty much go numb..
"Holllyyyy" he says as he pulls me closer.

I kissed the tip of his nose and he smiles. That smile is so cute. He rolls over so he's on top of me and starts leaving kisses on my neck.

He kisses in the right spot and a moan escapes my mouth. I feel his lips smirk against my skin as he stops kissing my necks and goes to my thighs.

Before I know it that thoughtful boy is kissing each of my cut marks. I can't explain how happy this boy makes me.

I just don't get why its me he wants to make happy.

He comes back and we start kissing until I pull away not feeling in the mood for a make out session.

He plops next to me and instantly questions,"Are you alright princess?"

He just called me princess. Princesses are supposed to be perfect when I'm the opposite.

"I'm fine" I mumbled as I get up not knowing where I'm actually going.

He grabs my wrist as he stands up with me. He picks me up and carries me onto the desk in the corner of my room. He sits me on it and he stands in between my legs with us holding hands.

"Tell me what's wrong. There's no getting away from me, you know?"

I sigh. I don't want to tell him. But I have to.

"I'm not a princess." I declare.

"Oh but your definitely my queen." He states as he kisses my forehead.

He's making this harder.

"No Luke. I'm a worthless piece of shit. I'm not good in school. I have nothing going for me in life. I'm more than ugly. I'm hideous. I have an awful personality and I don't understand how someone so perfect like you could like someone stupid like me." I'm on the verge on tears when I try to get away from Luke but he won't let me move.

I start sobbing and he hugs me tightly. I cry into his shirtless shoulder until I can't cry anymore.

He yet again picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist with my arms around his neck. He holds on my waist and sways around until I'm fully calm.

He sits me on the bed and starts talking,"You're anything but worthless. All your inperfections are perfect. You're perfect. Everyone has a purpose in life and you just haven't found your purpose yet. It may seem like I have but I haven't found my purpose either. I was actually having the same thoughts recently. I thought 'Why would such a beautiful girl want me? A boy who cares to much about school. A boy who is in a band that sucks. A boy who always quiffs his nice hair.' But now I'm thinking maybe are purpose was for each other? Maybe we were born and raised to find each other and help each other figure ourselves out. But I really like you Holly."

I'm sobbing again. He really likes me. I really like him. Maybe we were meant for each other?

"I-I really like you to Luke. So much." I say in between tears. I swear I feel his tears on me to.

He kisses my head and I look up at him to see his red eyes. He was crying to. I smally smile and then crash my lips into his.

It of course becomes a make out session before he pulls away and whispers "Go get ready I'm taking you out today."

"As a date?"

He smiles widely,"Yep!"

We laugh as he heads out to get ready and I head to the shower.

He's perfect.

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