Chapter 9: School

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I woke the next day to my alarm going off. Great. My alarm clock stops but I wasn't the one to do it. I roll over and see Calum. I forgot he was here last night.

I get up and he says,"Good morning!" I grumble. He's obviously a morning person. I'm not.

I go and choose my outfit as Calum showers. I get dressed and put on light make up.

When I'm finished I go downstairs and see that Calum made me waffles. "Awe thanks Cal. You didn't have to," I tell him. "Well I did so enjoy it," he says.

We eat then start to walk over to Luke's house. "So did you mean it when you said you had a major crush on Luke?" Calum asks me. "I forgot I told you that" I mumble. "Well you did tell me so did you mean it?" he asks yet again.

"Yes I meant it. I've liked him for a while now. Like before Ashton joined the band. It just sucks because he'll never like me. I'm pretty sure he hated me at first. I still can't get the fact that you made me kiss him through my head. It was amazing honestly," I explain. I'm kind of glad I told Calum so I have someone to talk to it about.

"Well don't get your hopes down he says as we walk up to Luke's door. I guess Calum and him walk to school together everyday, so today they have me.

Luke opens the door,"Hey Calu-Holly?" "Hey Luke. I'm walking with you guys today, so I hope you don't mind," I say my cheeks turning red.

I look up at Calum and he's smirking. I just turn around and start walking. Well that was embarassing. They catch up with me and we all walk in a line. Me in the middle, Calum to my left, Luke to my right.

We make small talk until we get to school they walk me to my locker and Luke says,"Hey do you want to sit with us at lunch, if that's okay." His cheeks turn red and it's adorable. "I'd love to," I giggle.

"And you should walk with us everyday," Calum says. "Do I ever get a break from you?," I say while trying to keep a straight face. I end up laughing and saying I'll walk with them again. We say goodbye and I walk to my first class.


After three boring classes, the lunch bell rings and I head out to go find Luke or Calum. I'm like a lost puppy in school. I can never find anyone or anything.

I turn a corner and feel someone pick me up bridal style. I laugh as I see Luke having a huge smile on his face as he carries me into the lunchroom and to his table. We both laugh as he sits me down. "Do you want anything?," he asks me. I shake my head because I usually don't eat lunch.

I'm sitting there waiting for Luke to come back when I hear a boo! I scream and Calum laughs as he sits across from me. "Where's Luke?," Cal asks. I point towards the lunch line. "Oh. He's usually gets here after me," Calum explains.

"Oh well I was looking for you guys when he picked me up bridal style and carried me to this spot," I tell him. He laughs as Luke sits down next to me.

We talk and laugh until the bell rings signalling lunch was over. We decide to walk home together as we head off to our next classes. I never thought lunch could be so much fun.


After school I go outside and see Luke standing there. I go over to him and poke him. "Hi!," he says very cheerfully. "Why so happy?" I ask while laughing. "After a long school day, I thought I'd never see you ," he explains.

"Awe did someone miss me," I say while pinching his cheek, emphasizing it was cute. "Maybe I did," he says like a five year old.

We laugh and then I ask,"Where's Calum?" "I don't know," he says as he checks his phone for any texts from Calum. I check my phone to seeing that Calum did text me.

"He texted me!," I exclaim. I read it and it says he's going to be late and we should just walk without him because he got detention. Wow Cakum got detention and left me alone with my crush great.

I tell Luke, so we start walking. "Why were you with Calum this morning? I forgot to ask earlier," Luke says. I decided to tell him what happened when I got home and how Calum came to comfort me. I told him everything except the part where I told Calum I liked Luke.

"I'm sorry. The stuff your mom said isn't true at all though. You know if you ever need anything I'm here for you too right?," he says. I nod my head and say,"I don't want to go home because my dad will probably be there and will want to talk to me." "Come over to my house. My family would love to meet you," Luke says.

Why does his family want to meet me? "Why not," I say as we turn the corner. I guess I'm meeting Luke's family.

The UnexpectedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora