Chapter 8

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Maison POV

"Jax!" I shouted.

I saw about fifteen rogues sprint out of the woods.

Jax ran out and shifted into his dark grey wolf and Kadian shifted into his black wolf. I saw other member of the packs help out to.

I than shifted into my white wolf. I linked Forrest to get Layla out of here. Once I saw his wolf and her running away I began to fight.

I took out about three rogues. Once the others were taken care of I shift and changed than ran to find Layla. Forrest linked me an told me they we're at the safe house.

I ran as fast as I could. I could hear Kadian and Jax right behind me.

I opened the door and saw my baby.

"Mommy!" Layla cries and ran to me.

"Shh it's okay baby"

"Is she okay" Kadian ask running into the house.

"Just alittle shaken up she will be fine." I tell him

"Here I'll take her, baby you need to get your leg looked at" Jax informed me.

I looked down and noticed I was bleeding. A good amount to, but I was a wolf I would heal fast, but faster with medicine.

I handed Layla to Jax. She was still crying but Forrest walked up to we and was making funny faces to try and get her to laugh. It worked. Jax began to walk out with her, Forrest following until Kadian stopped him.

"Thanks" he said

"I will always protect her with my life sir." Forrest smiled, sometimes I had a hard time believeing he was only 7.

I began to walk out when Kadian stopped me.

"I'll walk you" he smiled

I nodded and kept walking.

"I can see why he is going to be the Pack Warrior, he knew just alittle after me that the rogues were coming." Kadian said

"Yeah he good, and can only get better yes really young."

"I can see now why you approve he didn't even try and fight, he got Layla out of there right away."

"Yeah. She has a good mate I'm glad"

"Uh, Maison...."

"Don't even try" I told him

"We have to talk about this eventually"

I know we did but I know as soon as we did and he apologized I would forgive him, and just walk right into his arms, and I couldn't have that, not now, my yet. I have Jax and I'm happy. But I could keep avoiding the sparks I feel around Kadian.

"Fine we will talk, later." I said

"Tonight?" He smiled

"Sure" the sooner the better. I just hope I can control myself.

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