Chapter 27

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**This chapter is dedicated to @RuethiePeggs because she was just so energetic and full of life in her comment on the last chapter!  She was even twitching haha! Enjoy :D**

Chapter Twenty Seven

            He looked at me and smirked pulling off the glasses and sticking them into the back pocket of his dark ripped up jeans. “The one and only Princess.”

“But – but…they said that you were gone! How are you still alive?”

            He sat down and studied my face before speaking. “It’s a long story. I don’t think you’ll be interested in hearing.”

“Oh, I’m interested. Now spill.”

“Pushy are we?”

I scowled. “Just tell the story. It’s not like I have anywhere else to go right now.”

Jacob chuckled darkly. “True.”

            I waited patiently for him to start his tale. He got ready to open his mouth and then closed it. Maybe he wasn’t going to tell me the story after all. Was it too traumatizing? I was getting ready to open my mouth and tell him that he didn’t have to tell me when he began speaking.

“This is happened a couple of months after your eighth birthday. I had just come from the park.”

“What were you doing at the park?” I interrupted.

            He glared at me. “Well, I would tell you, but it seems as if I’m going to be interrupted every two seconds.”

I smiled sheepishly. “Sorry.”

            He rolled his eyes and carried on with his story. “School had just let out. I had heard some kids talking about that they were going to hang out at the park until it was time for them to go home for dinner. I wasn’t even going to go until I heard that you were going. When I got to the park, I was actually there watching you. My parents didn’t even know that I was there. No one did.” He took a look at my surprised face.

             “You were hanging out with some of your friends and I was debating on whether or not I should join you all. I knew you wouldn’t mind, but I figured that your friends would pick on me. So, I left. It was starting to get dark and I knew my parents would be getting worried about me so I needed a quick way to get home. I was walking by the forest when I noticed a trail. I knew that most of the trails led to the pack house so I started following it without thinking of the consequences.

             I kept going and going and that’s when I noticed that I was just going around in circles. I started to panic and kept going deeper and deeper into the woods. There were so many branches and limbs in the way that some of them were starting to scrape me. I traveled around for hours.”

            “That’s where some of the blood came from.” I mumbled quietly to myself. I know he heard me murmur the words incoherently, but he didn’t say anything.

            “I finally reasoned that if I stayed in one spot that someone would start looking for me. So, I followed my mind and just sat on the ground. I sat there for what felt like hours when I heard some rustling from the brushes nearby. I jumped up excited because I figured that it was someone from the pack who’d finally noticed I was missing and had come to help me. Boy was I wrong.” He paused.

            I gave him a moment to collect himself. I studied his features. His eyes were closed and his eyebrows furrowed together. He was grimacing and I could tell that he was having a hard time talking about his past. His fists were clenched at his sides.

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