Chapter 3: Love Is Warm But Cruel

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"We need to talk."

Alexandra's eyes widened at the sight of Nikolei at her door. What is he doing here after this morning incident? He cleared her throat once when she did not respond. She blinked her eyes few times before stepping back to let Nikolei into her apartment. He slowly sat down on one of the comfy chair and stared at the carpeted floor.

Your face must have disgusted him, her conscience whispered.

Thankfully, she had brewed some tea before he knocked on the door. She served him a cup of tea together with a few pastries she had bought to keep her stomach from growling. For now, she could not afford too much food to keep her plate full but just a few that could kept her alive for a few days.

She sat down on the couch across of him and looked at her hands as if there were something interesting there.

"Pack your bags. You're leaving with me."

She tensed at his words. What does he want now? She quickly looked up from her hands only to meet with dark green eyes, staring at her face with hint of hatred in his eyes.

"E-excuse me?"

"I only said it once. I'll be waiting for you downstairs. Don't keep me waiting."

Nikolei got up and walked out of her apartment. She was beyond confused about his sudden order. As much as she was very confused at the moment, she could not say no to him. Not in a million years as she was too weak when he was around.

She packed her bags and called the owner of the apartment before she went downstairs. A man in a black suit was waiting just beside the car when she approached him.

He took her bags and put them in the trunk before he opened the door for her. As she took a peak inside, Nikolei was seated on the other side of the car, not paying any attention to her when she entered.

Feeling timid, she squirmed and sat very close to the window, to the extent of crowding and squeezing herself at the door. Throughout the drive, they remained silent while she just focused her eyes outside the window.

"Sir, we're here." Nikolei's driver said and went out to opened the door for him.

He stormed towards his house, not sparing any glance towards her. The driver silently sighed and approached the trunk to take out her bags. Not long after, she followed after him as they entered the house and were greeted by the maid she saw earlier that day.

Maria was shocked when she saw the woman from that morning but quickly masked her emotions by showing them a faint smile. She patted Nikolei's driver, Boris', shoulder as he smiled at her. Alexandra was following him from behind, timidly, staring at his back.

Suddenly, Nikolei approached them out of nowhere.

"Maria, show her the guest room. Downstairs. She'll be living with us from now on." He said, emphasizing on the word 'downstairs' and walked away towards the stairs.

Downstairs? But the available room downstairs were only for the maids that used to work here, Maria furrowed her eyebrows at the thought.

Maria just nodded and was clouded with curiosity but did not voice out her thought. She then led Alexandra and Boris to the hallway that leads them to the kitchen but stop midway as they reached the room. Boris put down her bags and muttered 'good night' with a smile before leaving Maria and Alexandra alone.

Maria approached her bags but soon was stopped by Alexandra. "Oh no, you don't need to do that. I'll handle them myself. Thank you."

Alexandra smiled at the old woman who had her hands reached out towards her bags. She quickly took her hands and squeezed them softly as a sign of grateful. Maria let out a breath and left her alone in the bedroom with a soft smile. Alexandra was still confused about Nikolei bringing her here but let it buried deep as she knew that she would not get any answers any time soon.

She scanned the room that Nikolei had put her in. It was just a simple room coated with dark grey paint with a cream-white carpet covering the floor. There's a single bed covered with a dull blue bed sheet sited at the corner of the room with one bedside table next to it, holding a table lamp on top of it. She let out a sigh. For now, she has to live here until she hears again from Nikolei.

She slowly took out all her belongings and clothing out from her bags. Folding her clothes neatly, she placed them into the dresser situated not far from the bed. Thankfully, there was a door that leads to a small bathroom. She grabbed her toiletries and entered the bathroom to get ready for bed.

As she was about to tuck herself in for bed, a few knocks caught her attention. She quickly got out of the bed and opened the door slightly. Stood there was non other than Maria with a smile on her face. She opened the door wider to get a better look at her.

"Are you hungry? Do you want me to put up a meal for you, miss?"

"No, no thanks. Thank you very much but I just had my dinner not long ago and Alex would be just fine." She said softly.

"Okay, Alex. If you do need anything, just knock on my door at the end of the hall. Don't be shy. I'm Maria by the way."

"I will, Maria. Thanks again."

Maria went back to her room. She closed the door and got back to her bed. Her eyes remained on the ceiling as she stared into darkness. She exhaled with relief. At least there was one person that she could talk with without feeling small about herself. A few seconds later, she drifted into darkness accompanied by sweet dreams.

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