Chapter 11: Anger Is Never The Answer

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He was fuming mad.

Nikolei couldn't believe what he had heard from one of his client that morning. It had been a couple of days after his trip to Germany. Not even once had he talked to Alexandra after he flaunted his mistress in front of his wife's eyes. He was sitting in his office signing a few documents his secretary had sent it when Mr. Pollock visited him this morning asking for his forgiveness in behalf of his little boy.

The shock on his face could not even masked the anger evident in him at that time. He was vexed, to the extent where the huge mirror hanging on the wall of his office was shattered into million pieces when his ceramic coffee glass came in contact with it. His secretary had barged into his office a second later looking all panic.

How can she hide this from him? He questioned himself.

He had the full right to know about his son, especially if it involves his son well-being. He quickly called off all his meetings that evening and sped home. It was half an hour after three and he knew well that his son had come back home from school.

Boris could sense his boss' dark aura when he had came to pick him up from the office. He knew that something was going on and someone was about to face his wrath, just that he couldn't quite put his finger on what and who had made his boss infuriated to the greatest extent. Never had he seen Nikolei was this mad before.

Alexandra and Gayle were snapped out of their laughter when Nikolei barged into the playroom. Boris and Maria were following just a few steps behind him. They looked all puzzled but the worried and panicked look were very evident in their eyes. Alexandra stood up directly followed by Gayle who stood behind her legs, clutching onto them as he witnessed the scary look on his father's face.

Witnessing the scene in front of him, Nikolei gritted his teeth tightly. Alexandra could see how his jaw was clenched tightly and the veins surrounding the area on the sides of his neck were very visible to her eyes from a few metres away. Judging by the bulging vein on his forehead, she could sense that he was mad, damn infuriated at her about something.

About what? She thought to herself.

His dark aura even scared little Gayle who was now clutching tightly onto her legs that she could feel the blood around her legs constricted. Nikolei continued to fist his hands trying his best to control the anger consuming his inside at that moment.

"Gayle." He said lowly and took a deep breath. "Go to your room."

Gayle hesitated and turned his pleading eyes towards Alexandra. He knew his father was mad at his mama and had promised himself to protect her from his father's wrath. He had no plans on letting go anytime soon.

"Gayle!" Nikolei bursted. "Maria, take Gayle to his room, now!"

Maria nervously walked into the playroom and forced Gayle to let go of Alexandra's legs. He started to pour his tears out and soon was wailing towards Nikolei, begging him with incoherent words. Only the word 'Dad' could be heard from his wailing.

Nikolei quickly lunged towards the nervous Alexandra and forcefully dragged her body towards his study. Boris who stood nearby went panic immediately and tried to keep up with his employer's steps, shouting for him to calm his sense down before doing something irrational that he will regret eventually.

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