Author's Note (Next Update)

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So, a lot of you have been wondering when will I be updating the next chapter.

Here's the thing.

For the meantime, I can't update a new chapter up in this week. I have to get ready for a scholarship's interview and tests held on this Saturday and I'll be flying out on Friday. Then I have to sit for Cambridge Online Test (COT) on upcoming Monday, which means I have to fly back on Sunday to sit for the test since they both were held in different states.

And yes, my future comes first. Sorry guys!

However, if I do have time on Saturday after my interview - IF I really do - I'll update either that night OR on Sunday. That's if I really do have time since I also need to get ready for the COT.

But (Sorry in advance), If I failed to do so, the new update will be expected to be posted on Wednesday or Tuesday night (Malaysia Time), at least. 

That's all. I love you guys and thanks so much for all of your lovely support!

Team Nikolei and Grant! Haha!



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