Chapter 4: Heartbreak Is Never A Sweetheart

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That morning, she had woken up earlier than others. She could not sleep as there were a lot going on her mind but she only stayed in her room, afraid to go out and bumped into him. She stood by the window and stared outside. There was a garden. A beautiful garden full with colourful and cheerful flowers.

Placed in the middle was a big fountain. Garden table and benches were located not far from the fountain. She smiled sadly. How things would have been different if they were to get married. A few seconds later, Maria knocked on the door and popped her head against the door to look inside.

"You woke up very early, young lady. Come and have breakfast, Alex." She smiled at Alexandra.

Alexandra nodded and followed after Maria into the kitchen. "If you wouldn't mind, can you carry these outside and put them on the dining table?" Maria asked, gesturing her hand at the plates of food on the counter top.

"Anything I could help you with, sure." Alexandra replied.

She quickly carried the food outside and served them on the table. When she entered the kitchen to take the drinks out, Maria stopped her.

"I can handle those. Why don't you go upstairs and summon Mr. Machiavelli down for breakfast? He should be awake by now."

Her eyes widened at Maria's request. Despite her faint fear of Nikolei, she still brought her feet to move and climbed the stairs with a heavy heart. As she reached upstairs, she did not know which door to choose, so she went with her guts, that was to knock on the double door.

The door opened after a few seconds, revealing Nikolei in a dark cobalt blue suit.

"What do you want?" He asked, boring his eyes intensely at her.

"M-Maria asked to call you down f-for breakfats."

He only grunted and stood by his door silently watching her like a hawk. Having nothing to say, Alexandra quickly walked away to the kitchen with her heart beating like crazy against her chest. His presence affected her ever since they met for the first time, and he still affected her in the same way now.

"Alex come, have breakfast." Maria said and went out of the kitchen carrying a jug of milk.

She slowly approached the dining room when her eyes caught the back of Nikolei's head. As she went nearer and nearer, she saw a small kid with dark brown hair, grabbing a piece of bread from the plate in front of him while Maria was pouring down the milk into his tall glass.

She frowned at the sight of the boy but quickly hid it and slowly approached the dining table. As her hand was about to pull one of the chair out, Nikolei and the boy looked up when they noticed her presence.

He cleared his throat, "Stop. What are you trying to do?"

She stood there in silence, staring at the plates on the table having no answers invading her mind that could help her to answer his question.

Maria who sensed the tension in the air quickly answered, "Sir, she is your guest. So, I invited her to have breakfast at the table."

"Maria, I asked her and not you."

"Dad. You get your answer already. Why..."

"Gayle, you are not in your right place to interfere in adult businesses." Nikolei scolded.

Alexandra was shocked when the boy called Nikolei 'dad'. She quickly looked up from the table and stared at the boy's features as reality kicked in her sense. The boy really was his son. He got Nikolei's features mostly. Sadness filled her heart. Nikolei got married but where is his wife?

She was snapped out from her thoughts when the boy was smiling sadly at her and Nikolei's voice boomed throughout the dining room.

"You're not allowed to eat here everytime we had our meals. You can go eat in the kitchen."

"Nikolei! You are..." Maria snapped before Nikolei managed tu cut in.

"This has nothing to do with you Maria. Do not interfere. She is my guest, so I will treat her how I want to treat her. You may go now, Alexandra. Let her fend for herself, Maria."

Alexandra sadly nodded and walked away back into the kitchen. Her eyes were hooded as she hid her built up tears behind her eyelids to avoid Nikolei from seeing them. She went to the fridge and poured herself a glass of milk. Her appetite had been drained from her body and she has no desire to eat.

She went back to her room and entered the bathroom. Her tears started to trail down from her eyes, along her cheeks. Not willing to hold it longer, her sobs were starting to filled the bathroom as she cried for her love that had been long burried by Nikolei. There was no more love for her to get back to.

Everything was gone. The happiness she had always wanted had drifted away from her, clouded by the mist of haze that could no longer support her hopes. There was no more chance for her, even from the start when she went to ask Nikolei to resume their relationship.

She has no reason to stay here anymore.

She went to open the door when Maria knocked on her door. Her face showed guilt but Alexandra quickly assured her that it was okay. Nothing to be worried of.

"Alex, Mr. Machiavelli summoned you in his office. His office is just at the right wing of the house, the one with dark chocolate sliding door."

She nodded and muttered 'thanks' to Maria before making her way to Nikolei's office. When she reached in front of his door, she knocked on the door twice. She entered as Nikolei shouted 'come in'.

"Sit down. I have something important to discuss with you."

Nikolei took out a yellow envelope from the drawer of his desk and took out the content before placing them in front of her.

"Nikolei, I want to leave the house if you have nothing else for me."

He laughed menacingly, "You are not allowed to."

"W-why? I am useless to you for you to keep me around."

"By the end of this month, you will become my wife. So, within this week, we are to be wedded. You see, I cannot keep Gayle, in fact, he will be taken into custody by his grandparents in the States if I refused to marry you."

He laughed darkly and continued, "To make this easier for the both of us, I have asked my lawyer to prepare a contract. In the contract, it has been stated that we will keep our marriage intact until Gayle completed his pre-school. We'll get a divorce once Gayle finished his pre, that is four months from now. You may signed at the bottom of the contract where your name is writtened."

"No! I will not sacrificed the purity of marriage just for this and to be divorced after four months!"

"Now, now, Alexandra. You may not want to do that. If you don't sign this contract, it will result in me to not being able to keep Gayle by my side. So, if you refused to sign the agreement, you will not receive any calls from any bakery and have to live on the streets with no money in your savings and the worst I could do is I'll make sure that orphanage of yours will be shut down. I'll make sure of that. I'm a man of my words. Alexandra."

She was beyond shocked. She wanted to yell at him. She wanted to scream at the top of her lungs to show how angry she was and how inconsiderate he was, but everything just seemed to be stuck down her throat. He threatened her by using the orphanage she used to live in. The orphanage that had nurtured her into the woman she was now.

The only family she had.

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