Chapter 9: When The Cat Escapes The Bag

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Alexandra tossed and turned on her bed. Her room was dark and only the light from the moon entered her room through the window. She glanced at the alarm clock on the side table. It was three in the morning and here she was, still wide awake like an owl. She let out a breath of air and flicked on the light. Her room became bright.

She quickly took out Rosie's diary from the drawer of her bedside table and untangled the blue ribbon tied around the book. Toughen up her heart, she opened the book slowly and turned it to its first page. Leaning her back toward the headboard of her bed, she began to read the content.

One week.

One week to go before she got married to the man I have fallen in love with. Nikolei Machiavelli. How his name sounded so perfect was so unreal to me, but his masculine features was what got me hooked up from very first moment I laid my eyes upon him. I knew how I was so wrong for falling in love with my own best friend's fiancé but the heart always wants what it wants.

I'm sorry, Alexandra. The first time you asked for my permission to date a guy you had met, I was so thrilled that you finally found your light of happiness but what I didn't expect was to fall in love with the guy who had helped me from getting robbed by the streets that awful night. The same guy who I found out was your boyfriend when we had double date together that night.

I couldn't help but felt a strong jealousy when he had caressed your face with so much love from only by his looks on you. Day by day, my jealousy got stronger and together with jealousy, in came greed. My jealousy and greed got the best of me when you announced that he had proposed. And today, it will be only one week till your big wedding day comes. I might have been your best friend, but my heart just won't let you have Nikolei Machiavelli.

Alexandra gasped and dropped the book from her quivering hands. Tears were already streaming down her face in fast speed. She clutched her chest tightly, feeling the pain started to worsen as she continuously stared at the diary on the floor.

What she had refused to think of her best friend was indeed the truth all along. The deep betrayal she felt as she had read how her own best friend fallen in love with the man she was ought to marry and was determined to take it away from her.

But why? Why didn't she tell her the truth?

She quickly took the book and placed it back in the drawer. Still feeling the pain on her chest, she took a resolve by crying her eyes out to sleep. Sadly as it seemed, she could sleep after an hour of crying.

When she woke up that morning, she noticed how terrible her face looked. She took a shower and got dressed before went to the kitchen to greet Maria. She voice out a 'hello' and earned a happy nod from Maria who was preparing breakfast for Gayle and Nikolei.

"How was your sleep, Alex?"

"It was fine, as usual. What are you preparing?" she asked, slowly easing her bottom on the stool.

"Omelette with morning bread for breakfast and mash potatoes with baby carrots for Gayle's lunchbox. Do you want some mash potatoes? You look like you needed some energy with those dark circles under your eyes." She turned around and sent her a worried look before continuing her cooking. "They might be hard to notice, Alex, but none of them will if they pass by me."

"No thanks. Only a glass of milk will do together with a piece of bread. I only got them because of the lack of sleep I got lately." She quickly approached the fridge and poured out a glass of milk.

Maria approached her, "Are you sure? You don't look that well this morning. Forget about sending Gayle this morning. Go and take some rest." She sighed and took the tray of food with her. "Are you coming to the dining room?"

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