Chapter 7: Secrets Are Meant To Be Kept

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Since today was the day my National Exam results were announced and I'm over the moon with my results, here's a chapter for all of you who have been waiting patiently through all these days. I'm sorry that this chapter is a bit short, but for the next chapter, I'll try to make it longer.




Alexandra inhaled and exhaled deeply as she stared at herself in the mirror. The wedding dress fitted her perfectly with the veil on. Maria had just left the room to get her bouquet of calla lilies ready before the big ceremony. The feeling she had was utterly different from what she had the first time she tried on her wedding dress years ago.

The only difference was during that time, Nikolei and her were madly in love with each other.

Gayle was set to be the flower boy, just like what Nikolei wanted. He wanted his son to be a part of everything in effort to fulfill his very best to become the best father for him. When Maria handed her the bouquet and led her to the backyard garden where they will exchange their vows, she was met with Nikolei's father, Logan.

He smiled warmly at her as he extended his hand out towards her. She was hesitant at first but was soon coaxed into taking his hand. Every guests whom were invited have already been seated and there Nikolei was, standing confidently in his expensive wedding suit whispering something into the pastor's ear.

"Thank you, Mr. Machiavelli for walking me down the aisle." Alexandra said, almost whispering.

"It's still Logan to you, dear. My wife might turned her back against you, but to me you are still the same old daughter I never had, just like when Nikolei had first brought you in. And I have been told that it is a father's responsibility and duty to walk his daughter down the aisle before being handed to some undeserving man." Logan said and winked at her.

She muffled her laughters as Logan amused face met hers. Her heart warmed up at Logan's approach. He was still the same old man who had loved her like she was his own. She hid her smile when the music had started, indicating for her and Logan to start walking.

Her eyes remained at the bouquet of flowers she was holding while the other was clutching tightly at Logan's biceps. She dared not enough to look up just to meet the intense and cold gaze of the man he was about to exchange vows with. To look up just to meet the hatred gaze of Nikolei's mother and little sister. Logan's fingers grazed her knuckles in a circular motion and it had surprisingly relieved her nerves down a bit.

"Be brave, Alexandra. You can do it!" she whispered to herself, praying for the best.


Some guests were dancing happily on the dance floor while she sat at the table watches them. As she turned her head to the right, a sight of Gayle running towards her had her smiling cheekily.

"Come, mom. Dance with me!" Gayle said pointing at his father who was dancing with his mother.

Alexandra held back her tears and awed when Gayle had called her mom. She slowly rose from her seat and took Gayle's inviting hand into hers while he led her to the dance floor. The music was romantic and calming. Gayle's right hand was hugging her leg while the other was holding her hand firmly.

A few minutes later, they were interrupted by Logan who had taken his grandchild's spot. "May I have this dance, my lady?" Logan said, charmingly. Alexandra nodded and soon they swayed according to the music. Her eyes were trained on Nikolei who was dancing with his sister happily. She silently sighed at the sight. After they exchange their vows, all the guests had moved to the dining area.

Since then, he hadn't ask her for a dance. Who is she kidding? She wasn't even his chosen bride. She chuckled sadly at her thoughts. She was interrupted from her thought when Logan cleared his throat once.

"A penny for your thoughts?"

"Nothing. Just a mere thought. Nothing's important."

Logan sighed, "Why did you left, Alexandra? Why did you left before the wedding that night?"

She remained silent for a while. She knew eventually Logan would start to dig into her story.

"I'm a heartless gold digger, remember? Left him because his business almost shut down."

His grip tightens on her. "Stop lying! You didn't left on purpose, did you? What are you hiding from us, dear?"

She didn't answer. She has no courage to face him and instead, she focused her eyes on his shoulder. Logan sighed inwardly when she chose to remain silent. She might be able to hide it from him, but by the way she tensed when he questioned her had piqued his interest.

He decided to leave the question hanging as he knew, he could not pry any more from her. When she had left, he could not bring himself to hate her. She was like his own daughter to him and had not believe the deceitful of a woman, Rosie. Something irked in him the first time he was introduced to her by Alexandra during her engagement party with Nikolei.

Something was off about that woman.

And he was right when she had stepped on the altar telling the whole family how her best friend had ran away to elope with another man. He wanted to believe her, but his heart told him not to. What overcome his greatest shock about Alexandra not turn up for the wedding was Rosie's offer.

How disgrace of her to offer herself to be wedded to his son!

His heart has been right all along.

As much as he wanted to save Alexandra's dignity from the eyes of his family, his wife could not help but to grow and expressed her deep hatred for their son's ex fianceé. Luckily for him, his daughter - just like him - had not trusted the woman who claimed herself as Alexandra's best friend fully and insisted that Alexandra was innocent.

"Logan! Logan!" Alexandra called for him to gain his attention.

He looked down to meet Alexandra's confused eyes and smiled reassuringly.

"I'm sorry I spaced out."

"No, it's fine. I could use some drink and my feet are starting to get hurt in this killer heels." She whined a bit, earning a few chuckles from Logan.

"Let's sit at the bar and chat then. My wife and daughter seems to be rather busy entertaining the guests, leaving me alone here to fend for myself. I feel rather lonely."

She laughed at his remark. They soon reached the bar and she quickly took the glass of iced lemon tea to quench her thirst. Logan raised his eyebrow while taking a sip of his fine scotch.

"The champagne is not to your liking?" Logan asked.

"Oh no, not that. I just... I don't drink. Well, I do but if I had to choose, I'd go with the non-alcoholic beverages."

Logan smiled proudly at his daughter-in-law. A very big difference he had realised about her when compared to Rosie who was very much enjoying a glass of alcohol per day during her marriage till the day she died.

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