Chapter 18: The Regrets and Remorse

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People were often oblivious of their mistakes and Nikolei was not excluded from the category. That was what his heart was telling him right now, and it sucked.


Nikolei sighed loudly as he felt the slightly burning of his throat as he gulped the whiskey. He looked awful, with his bow tie untied and his hair disheveled. He stood outside in the garden, in front of the gushing water fountain thinking about his miserable life. Tiredly, he shook his head and decided to leave the ball.

Walking through the crowd of people, Nikolei managed to slip away without being spotted by Sophie. He had dismissed her a few minutes ago since her whining had gone out of control after he had refused her a dance on the dance floor. He was not going to dance beside Alexandra and her fiancé and not feeling anything at all during the dance.

As much as how disheveled his hair was right now, the look totally matched his feelings that moment.

"Babe! Where're you going? The night is still young!" Sophie shouted as she hastily lifted her dress slightly and ran towards him.

Nikolei groaned in annoyance as he turned around and roughly tugged onto his hair. The last thing he needed now was to have Sophie's irritating and annoying voice filling his ears for the night with her stupid squeals.

"I'm going home." He said gruffly. "You can stay but I'm going home."

Sophie's mouth gaped as she scowled angrily, "Are you going to leave me here? Alone?!"

He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose as he tried to dial down the headache he was having right now. Glaring at the angry woman in front of him who was about to throw a fit in his face, Nikolei muttered 'whatever' and entered his car before driving away from the Carsons' Estate.

By the time he arrived home, the house was quiet and dark. Only the light from the foyer lit up the house at night. Feeling tipsy, Nikolei walked towards the kitchen only to find it empty. He slowly approached the fridge and took out a bottle of water. His mind was starting to doubt the decisions he made years ago. As he chugged the bottle of water down his throat, his eyes stopped at the path that led to Alexandra's and Maria's room.

His feet unconsciously took him there and when he realised, he had stood right in front of the door to the room used to be occupied by Alexandra. His hand turned the knob and the door creaked open as he walked in. He scanned the room before settling down on the bed. Lying down on the bed, Nikolei closed his eyes as he sniffed in the sweet fragrant that engulfed his sense.

The scent of Alexandra's shampoo.

The smell he had come accustomed to over the years and seemed like his son was into it too. He could smell it from Gayle's hair everyday when he had kissed his forehead before going to school. A faint smile made a way to his lips as he chuckled slightly but soon turned into a light sobs and sighs. His arm draped against his forehead as he stared at the ceiling above him.

The ceiling was decorated with glow-in-the-dark stars and Nikolei could see it clearly since the room was partially dark. Only the light from the moon shone through the window lit up the room. It was something Alexandra would always do, and he knew it. The stars always reminds her of the happy and beautiful life even if the sun didn't shine once in a while.

Removing his eyes from the glowing stars, Nikolei's eyes soon caught a sight of a wedding dress hanged by the wall in front of him, just opposite of the bed. It was the wedding dress Alexandra had wore during their wedding day - during the unwanted wedding he forced her into. A painful groan filled the room when Nikolei shut his eyes tightly. When he finally had her in his life like he planned to years ago, he made a foolish move by letting her go.

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