Chapter 26: Et tu, Brute?

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Standing tall in front of him right now was his private investigator slash bodyguard. Logan was leaning into his desk, waiting impatiently for the next words coming out of the tall man's mouth. He'd called early in the morning while Logan was still being all cozy on his bed. All he heard was his bodyguard's stern voice reaching out to him, saying that there was something important and urgent that he have to tell him straight away about his new discovery.

"You might want to call your son to be here right now, sir." The buff man spoke.

"He can wait." Logan replied monotonously. "Now, what is it that is so important that it couldn't wait until the sun rise above?"

"I found something really interesting yesterday while I was scouting for some more of the information you wanted. After your son visited Brandon DeCastiello, it seems that there's another person involved in this matter."

He stopped leaning and began to stand straight in his position. Logan's brows furrowed together as he stared at the man who was lacking of feelings in front of him. His face was expressionless, but knowing about his past experience, Logan knew better than to questioned him about it as the man was already very good in his job since he stepped foot in this business.

He hummed sternly, "Proceed."

"That person happens to be your wife, sir. Mrs. Luna Machiavelli herself."

The new information shocked him to the depth of his heart. His eyes were widened and his palms were sweating as he stood silently in his stance. That woman, the woman he called his wife was believed to have been in cohorts with Rosie for everything that happened in the past.

Nodding his head dismissively, Logan dismissed his bodyguard and headed upstairs to the bedroom he shared with his wife. He took a seat on the armchair that was facing the bed currently and watched his wife sleeping peacefully on the bed. The loud thumping of his heart in his ears bothered him as he stared at her silently. His wife never passed his mind as someone who would do such things to her own son.

She'd loved Alexandra the first time she was introduced to the family although it changed when Alexandra fled the wedding the night before it was held. Thinking of his wife as someone who resented for Alexandra to be with her son was out of the question before, but now he was not so sure of what he would think of his wife anymore.

So, he waited and waited... until the sun rose above to shine its light for the day.

When the light from the sun penetrated the curtains by the window, Logan was still loyal to his seat. Not once did he moved from the plush chair. His eyes were not sleepy anymore, as he patiently waited for his wife to wake up from her deep sleep.

A few minutes later, Luna started to move in her sleep and stretched her body on the bed, tiredly. When she opened her eyes, the first thing that she saw was her husband staring at her with those dark eyes of his.

"Logan...?" She crooned softly.

"Go and freshen up, Luna." Logan muttered sternly. "Then meet me in my office. I'll be waiting."

With a heavy heart, Logan left the room and made his way to his office downstairs. All his life, he had never raise his voice nor act serious and sternly at his wife or children. He was a family man, the man who would do anything for his family despite of everything at stake, but today, today was different. An act of disgrace and wrongdoing will not be tolerated under his roof or in his family's life. Even if it involved his own family members.

An hour passed and here he was, standing patiently by the huge window that overlooked the garden and swimming pool situated in his backyard. The soft knocks echoed throughout every nooks and crannies of his office and a few seconds later, his wife, Luna, entered the room. She was clad in her usual style of outfit but nothing matters right now as the uneasiness she was feeling at the moment was displayed transparently through the windows of her soul.

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