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"Come on! Come on! Wake up!" Alexandra whispered to herself, feeling exasperated as her actions got no outcome at all.

She glanced at her watch for a while before gathering a few more small rocks in her hands. The time read 3 o'clock in the morning and no one needed to tell her that what she was doing right now was a crazy thing to do. Hell, if one of the neighbours caught her doing stuff like this at time like this, she'll surely be sent to jail in any time now.

It had been a month since that night at the party. True to Nikolei's words, Boris had picked her up from the party and sent her home after she had said her goodbyes to Gayle and the hosts. Ever since that night, she hadn't heard from Nikolei anymore. Well, what should she expect? She had turned down the man twice for heaven's sake! Alexandra had been tossing and turning on her bed for a few nights now, unrelieved of how they both parted away from each other after that mind-blowing kiss. With Grant, she had felt the love and warmth in their kisses they shared together but with Nikolei, it had been sparks and fire mixed all together in one.

So, when the thirty-fifth night arrived, Alexandra threw her comforter away from her body and drove all the way to Nikolei's house. The first time she arrived here, she had no idea on why she was here in first place. All she knew was that she needed to see Nikolei as soon as possible since sleep won't be coming any nearer soon. And so, here she was standing just outside on the lawn of his backyard, gathering stones in her little hands with the help of her two children, Tiara and Jack, who were very persistent on coming with her after they caught their mom sneaking out of the house at three in the morning.

"Gather some more rocks, kids. He still hasn't wake up." She told them, in hush voice carefully not to alert nearby neighbours.

"This is fun!" Tiara whispered, bouncing up and down in her stance.

With a few more rocks flying towards the window she believed to be his room, Jack quickly tugged onto Alexandra's pyjamas robe and pointed towards the window.

"Mamma! Look!"

Alexandra and the kids stopped throwing pebbles and stared at the window as it slided open, revealing annoyed and sleepy Nikolei. His hair was disheveled - good kind of disheveled. He was rubbing his eyes tiredly and shouted, "You kids better be rich cause I'm suing you for trespassing private property!"

Before Alexandra could call out to him, Nikolei's shocked and surprised voice was the first to resonate into the cold, morning air. "A-Alexandra?"

"Nikolei! I-I..." She stuttered.

"What are you doing here at three in the morning? Tiara? Jack?"

Jack was the first to answer, "Mamma wants to talk to you!"

As soon as Jack said it, Nikolei's head disappeared back into the house. Alexandra waited for fifteen minutes with her children near the pool but still, there was no sign of Nikolei coming down to greet her. Her heart constricted painfully at the thought. In a few seconds, her hand shot up and clutched onto her chest as she felt her heart beating rapidly against her rib cage.

"Come on, children. Let's head home before the sun rises." Alexandra mumbled faintly.

She was disappointed that Nikolei refused to see her. To when this feelings emerged, she didn't have a clue at all. All she knew was that she wanted to see his face every day. She wanted his presence in her life and Grant's words had never stopped pestering her mind every night before she went to bed. She longed for Nikolei's presence and Patricia and Jerry had laughed in her face and teased her about it when she came to seek their help and advice on it.

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