Chapter 8: The Truth Never Have Been A Beauty

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Okay, so... I've promised a reader that I would update this Sunday and later another one somehow begged for me to post an update earlier than Sunday. Since all of you have been a sweetheart and supporting my story, here's a present from me. Hooray! Love you guys to the moon and back!

DNA. 😘


"See you after school, sweetie." Gayle waved back happily at Alexandra before entering his school.

Alexandra slid into the car next to Boris seconds after. The ride back to the house was full of silence. As much as she wanted to talk, her mind could not stop wandering to the thoughts of Rosie. She was snapped out of her thoughts when the vibrations in her pocket demanded for her attention.

As she said hello, Nikolei's cold voice reached her ear drum, "Stop by my office for a while. There's someone here wanted to see you." With that he ended the call. She stared at her phone for a while.

"Boris, make a stop at Nikolei's office for a while." She said with a sigh. Boris nodded and quickly made a turn at the junction.

When she reached his office, Nikolei's secretary had greeted her politely and ushered her to the boardroom. When she asked for reasons, the answer she was given was only a mere smile from the polite girl.

She was seated in front of a man with a slightly thin moustache on his upper lip. Alexandra took the man's hand and shook it lightly before the man smiled and spoke.

"Good morning, Mrs. Machiavelli. My name is Brent Thompson. I am the late Mrs. Machiavelli's lawyer. I appreciate your sincerity of spending your time to meet me here today."

Alexandra frowned. Why does Rosie's lawyer want to meet her?

"So, let's start shall we? Before Rosie died, she had left a will which mentioned both yours and Mr. Machiavelli's name. Mr. Machiavelli might have informed you about it, but I would brief it to you once again about the content of the will. Just a mere protocol"

Alexandra nodded, signalling for Brent to continue.

"So, her first will stated that Nikolei Machiavelli will have their child's, Gayle Machiavelli, full custody if he were to be married to you, Alexandra Rakers. If he disagree, Gayle Machiavelli will be taken into custody by Rosie Machiavelli's grandparents in the States." He said in one go before taking in deep breath. "Can you take it in so far, Mrs. Machiavelli?"

She nodded, "Y-yes. Continue, please."

"Her second and final request is for you to have her diary. She handed it to me five days before she died and had asked for a favour to give this diary to you, personally. I'm afraid, Mrs. Machaivelli, you might have to keep the second request as a secret from Mr. Machiavelli. He does not know about the book, only the first condition requested in the will." Brent smiled and handed the diary to her.

The book was wrapped in a single blue ribbon and a carving of rose in front of it marked that the book was indeed belonged to Rosie. She held the book tightly in her hands before putting it safely and securely into her handbag.

"She did told me that she wanted you to love Gayle as your own, despite of everything and her last words was that she was truly sorry for everything. One more thing, I will always be at you service if you ever need help on anything. If anything just anything, call me at this number. Good day, Mrs. Machiavelli."

She quickly took the card he handed towards her. As they shook hands, she slowly made her way to where Boris was waiting. "How did it go?" He asked.

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