Chapter 27: Past and Present

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Paris - 12:01 PM

Alexandra blinked her eyes a few times as the electronic signboard kept on changing the estimated time for trains to leave the St Pancras Station en route to their next destinations.

"Ready?" Grant asked as he appeared from behind.

Turning her front to face Grant, she smiled faintly and nodded her head once. Her hand carefully reached out for the tall paper cup containing her hot latte. The misty steam from the cup slowly seeped throughout the hole at the top of the cup and dissolved into thin air.

Both her and Grant walked side by side as they made their way towards the train. This morning, he had surprised her with two train tickets to Paris. She was in fact surprise at first and had asked Grant about it when all he said was that he wanted to spend more time with her and that he had cleared his schedule for the whole two weeks.

Two days after she had been discharged, Grant was more strict than ever about her diet and daily activities schedule. Even Rae had been in cohorts with him in banning her out of her own bakery until she gets better in health. Grant even less likely to be on called every other nights recently and had been staying home since then, taking care of her and fending to her needs.

Once they were seated in train ready for departure, Grant slowly reached out for her hand and held it in his warm ones.

Alexandra smiled, "I can't believe we're going to Paris. I thought you were busy this month since the patient with severe case involving his heart had just been admitted at the hospital."

"Well... I decided it's time for me to spend more time with you instead. My co-workers will take over my cases while I'm away." He said reassuringly. "Besides, you always wanted to go to France, especially spending time in Nice."

He then continued, "So, we'll be arriving in two and half hours at Gare du Nord. We stay in Paris for two days and onto the next train the next day heading to Nice."

Two and half hours passed, the train slowly coming to a stop just at it's designated platform. Alexandra excitedly left the train, leaving Grant behind as he chuckled amusingly. Both of them hailed a taxi and soon they were on their way to the famous hotel that overlooked the infamous Eifel Tower.

Taking time freshening themselves up, Alexandra was the first to get dressed and was waiting eagerly for Grant. Like a kid in a candy store, that was what Alexandra was feeling right now.

She cleared her throat and faced Grant, "Where will we be heading first?"

"Oh I don't know. Why don't you take a guess?" He asked teasingly.

"Oh! Oh! The Louvre! I have always wanted to see the Mona Lisa."

And so, gone were both Grant and Alexandra to the famous art museum, The Louvre. Grant had rented a car an hour before they arrived. A convertible to be exact, saying that it would be a desire of him to watch the love of his life, Alexandra's, hair to sway in the wind in Paris.

They walked, hand in hand as they enjoy each of the painting and finely-carved statues in the art museum. Grant loved every single second of the time he's with Alexandra, having to witness the look of awe on her face as she studied each of the paintings they stop by in the museum. While she was busy staring at the paintings interpreting the real values and beauty behind them, Grant Carson on the other hand was busy staring at the woman who he intended to marry anytime soon, that is if Alexandra really did choose to be with him instead of Nikolei till the end of their lives.

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