Chapter 23: Fragments of The Past

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Alexandra stayed silent as Nikolei's face was distorted with rage. Her body was trembling as she forced herself to speak, only managed to project small quivers out of her throat rather than the words she had collected furiously in her mind before.

"Is that what you want?!" His voice raised to a few octaves. "You think you can come crawling back here after what you did to my family and I? If that's what you think, then you are totally wrong. Your presence disgusts me. Get out of my sight and don't show your face here again!" His loud voice echoed to all parts of the house.

Alexandra jolted from her sleep when she sat up straight before slumping her back as she sucked in heavy breaths rapidly into her lungs. A frown was etched on her forehead as she clutched onto her chest tightly, trying to calm herself down from the sudden weird dream she just had.

The dream was as if it was trying to tell her about something, but she couldn't quite put her mind on it. It had been about Nikolei who seemed to be furious at her about something she did. She could feel the emotions strongly running in her, like it was surreal. Alexandra felt like the dream had some kind of connection to her but she quickly shook her head vigorously, trying to get those crazy thoughts out of her mind.

She got up from her bed and put on the baby pink satin knee-length kimono over the similar coloured babydoll nightwear she had on. A faint sigh escaped her lips as she made her way to the kitchen to get a glass of water for herself. Just as she opened her tired eyes wider, she squealed excitedly as she ran into the arms of the man she loved and missed over the past few days.

"You're back early!" Alexandra squealed excitedly, with a hint of surprise laced in her voice.

Grant smiled and kissed his woman on the lips, deeply. "I thought I'd surprise you. I pushed my talks forward and switched some of them with the other speakers."

"Well, I miss you very much!" She pouted and puckered her lips as she pressed them on the side of his neck. "Gosh, I missed your manly scent."

"Okay, sweetheart." He chuckled and lifted Alexandra into his arm before landing himself onto the couch with Alexandra on his lap. "Sweetheart, you're sweating."

"Ugh, I know. I just had this weird dream and Mr. Machiavelli was in it. He was yelling angrily at me about something." She explained.

Grant cleared his throat and hid his uneasiness quickly as he grinned widely at the woman in his hold. He snuggled his nose into her hair before moving down to her neck as she giggled shyly, ruffling her hand into his hair at the same time.

He sighed and gently laid his head onto her shoulder, "I am hungry and I miss your cooking very much."

"Okay, big boy. What do you want for breakfast?" She asked, staring into her fiancé's eyes. "Waffles with sliced fruits and bacon?"

He giddily nodded his head and planted a deep kiss onto her lips before lifting her up into his arms in bridal style. They went into the kitchen when Grant set her down. He took a seat on the bar stool by the marble counter and watched the love of his life started to move around the kitchen to prepare his breakfast.

Alexandra glanced behind her shoulder and smiled as she whisked the batter in the mixing bowl swiftly. "Hey sweetie, would you agree if we host a dinner here tonight? We can invite Brent and your parents. It'd be nice since Brent has been asking for you lately."

"Sure." He gulped down the rest of the milk in his glass. "I don't see why not. It will be fun, I'm sure."

His eyes watched as Alexandra worked swiftly around the kitchen. Her kimono would ride up once in a while everytime she reached up for something above her height or when she extended her hand forward to grab something. Grant's heart was thumping loudly against his rib cage as he watched her silently from where he sat.

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