Chapter 10: When She Chose To Forgive

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So... funny story before you start reading. This chapter, yes, this chapter, has been posted before after I had accidentally clicked on the 'Publish' button after editing this piece after mistaking it with the 'Save & Preview' button. I got panicked and quickly moved my finger to click 'Unpublish'. At first, I was like 'Phewh!' and thought no one had read it. But, as the minutes went by, a reader (you know who you are) reached out to me and comment on the chapter while a few of them got unlucky and have not managed to read it before I unpublish it. I laughed for two days about it and now, had been really careful in distinguishing the buttons before I decided to click on it. The end, sorry for the long rant. Haha! Anyways, enjoy the reading!


DNA. 😘


It had been a week after the heart-wrenching incident. She chose to distant herself from Nikolei but remained close to Gayle every time she had sent him to school. By the time his schooling time ended, Maria would picked him up instead seeing she tried her best to avoid Nikolei from seeing her with his son.

She had put on a fake smile the day after the hit occurred and thankfully, Gayle had believed her when she had told him Nikolei and her were only talking about his school after the boy had persisted her to tell him about what happen. He would brave up and talk to his father if it would make her happy, like he had said it, but Alexandra knew better not to get Gayle invovled in this adult matter.

A boy his age shouldn't be worried about things like this. His life should be filled with boy's scouts, camping and sports than the gruesome truth of the adult life.

Seeing she could not ask for Nikolei's help, she decided to talked to the headmaster herself about Gayle's case and she was glad that she had taken the step now that the bullying had stopped after a while. It had been easy judging by the way the headmaster's face paled when she had mentioned Nikolei's famous name.

Alexandra suddenly shot out from her bed and dashed for the bathroom and emptied all the content in her stomach into the sink. She had felt dizzy and headaches every now and then. This was the first time she had threw up. Maria had been breathing down her neck trying to keep an eye on her in case she would fainted.

"I really have to see a doctor soon," she muttered under her breath.

When she went back to her bed, she noticed the time shown four o'clock in the morning. Her eyes were bright as an owl's since her throat was burning up from the vomiting, so she decided to continue reading Rosie's diary.

Marrying him had been the happiest day of my life but sadly, he could not get over her even how much he despised her. Maybe, just maybe by having his baby I would earn his love. Oh, how I have been wronged. I have been happy every time he would ask me about my pregnancy although knowing that he only cared about the baby. About how the baby was doing.

It was a mistake from his drunk night and when I had took advantage of him, but despite his cold attitude, I have grown love towards my baby. Our baby. I knew I had done my best friend wrong. Maybe this was my punishment. My punishment for coming in between two people who had been in love with each other so much. Yes, I deserved this and I am not worth of Alexandra's forgiveness at all.

My little baby had been born. He looked just like his father. But sadly my time with him is short. Just after his birth, I found out that my tumor had spread to other parts. It was too late to be operated, I have no more chances in mending what I have done. Had I though, the chances of surviving could only spark a tiny bit of hope that I still had in me.

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