Chapter 6: Memories Are Not Meant To Be Forgotten

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In honour of me passing my driving test, I have decided to bestow all of you, my lovelies, with this chapter I enjoyed writing.

DNA. 😘


Alexandra sat silently on her bed in her room, thinking deeply. They had a great time together but her mind just could not help but to think about Gayle's mother.

Rosie Evans.

"You must leave immeadiately! Tonight is your last chance if you wanted to save Nikolei's business from going down the drain. Trust me, Alexandra. The man who threatened you is the man of his words."

Rosie had visited her at her hotel room that night, looking all frantic and was drenched with rain water from the heavy rain outside. She had just came out of the shower when she saw Rosie knocking loudly on her door.

"B-but tomorrow is my wedding day. Nikolei and I are going to get married!" Alexandra wailed lowly.

"Do you want to stay here and watch all of Nikolei's family's business and hard work being crumpled to pieces and torn down by the cruelty of the harsh world out there? Don't it make you feel any sense of guilt? Can you stand to see you are the reason for his family's business to fail and bankrupt?" Rosie said, holding onto her shoulders.

She sat on the couch near the bed, staring on the carpeted floor. She then looked up, just to be caught by Rosie's intense gaze. She continued to look at her face, not knowing how to react. She was so confused that her mind went blank.

"You must act fast, Alexandra. The man who threatened you is not to be taken lightly. I have bought you a plane ticket to the States. You'll get more information to where you will be heading on your plane ticket. The only thing you will need is a few pairs of clothings and your passport with this plane ticket. Think wisely, bestie."

They hugged one last time before Rosie left her hotel room that night.

Her tears started to fall one by one. Her heart and mind just could not take the news about what her best friend had done to her. What she had done to ruin her happiness with Nikolei. She refused to believe what her mind was trying to tell her.

Rosie had been her best friend whom she had met in college before fate had brought her to meet with Nikolei. They were assigned to live in the same dorm room, and since that day, they had became best of friends having each other backs without any doubts. When she first met Nikolei, she had asked for Rosie's permission to date him, just like everytime Rosie had asked her for hers whenever she wanter to date a man. She was the happiest girl when Rosie had approved of Nikolei.

No! She will never do that to her own best friend. Alexandra was very sure of it although her mind and heart was starting to tell her different perspectives of her late best friend.

Maybe she did it to save Nikolei and his family, she thought.

She quickly wiped her tears away with the back of her hands when someone knocked on the door. Maria opened the door after a few minutes.

"What are you doing, sitting there doing nothing? You should be ready by now. Mr. Machiavelli is expecting you to be there beside him when all if his family members arrive. Come, let's get you ready for tonight!" Maria said excitedly, pushing her towards the bathroom.

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