Chapter 6

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AN/: I would like to thank each of you for your support and compliments it means a lot to me so thank you ❤️

Photo of today's chapter above as always.

1 month later

Your POV:

"How many days till your birthday now Alexa" Carter asked.

"FOUR" Alexa yelled excitedly.

"Your mom told me that your going watch Fifth Harmony" Dr Robbins said

"Yeah I am but it's not what I want for my birthday anymore" Alexa said sadly, I wondered why she had been talking about this Fifth Harmony girl group for months.

"What is it that you want Lexi" Carter asked.

"I want my sister to wake up.. Can y-you w-w-wake her p-pretty p-pl-please" Alexa said while crying hard and breaking my heart.

"Come here sweetie" Dr Robbins said

"You know if I could I would wake her up.. It's up to her why don't you tell her that you want her to wake up" Dr Robbins added

"Here Lexi I'll lift you on the bed" Carter said.

It didn't take long to feel her next to me and her little hand grab mine.

"Y/NN pwease wake up I-I need you and nothing is the same.... I miss you and ice cream" Alexa begged every word she said breaking my heart and making me even more determined to wake up.

Four days later

Today's Alexa's 8th birthday and for the last few days I have been trying to wake up, and it's not working. I just want to be with her.. I was supposed to take her to her first Fifth Harmony concert even though I might not know who they are, I now know all of the words to there songs because Alexa plays them constantly all the time.

"Alright today is the day that you wake your crazy ass up" Hailey said while kissing my forehead. Ever since she came home from Italy she has been at the hospital everyday which has sparked a lot of rumors of us dating.
The most frequently talked about one was about Hailey and I habing a secret relationship behind Ariana's back. Hailey found the rumors entertaining Ariana however did not.

Ariana hasn't come to visit since Hailey kicked her out because she was taking pictures of me in a coma and pictures of the both of us so she can have proof that she didn't break up with me; However Ariana has apparently been seen with Big Sean a lot these last few weeks.

"I fucking knew it..Ariana and Sean they have been photographed kissing and grinding on each other at after party" Hailey said.

"Your Ventures aren't going to like that...Pia has been firing them up constantly by starting one of the biggest and longest Twitter feuds the world has ever seen" Hayley said with a hint of amusement.

I heard Hailey's phone beep then here burst out in laughter.

"Pia just tweeted this: @Arianagrande you might want to keep your PDA to yourself where nobody can see you..not even a dog should have to look at that. #Day14Ventures #WakeUpY/NWeMissYou


"Wake up...wake up" I herd my little sister Alexa say.

"WAKE UP" she screamed right in front of my face.

I tired to speak but nothing, I tried to move my hand or my fingers but nothing happened. I felt two little hands hit my chest over and over as my sister screamed and cried for me to wake up, With every tear that fell on my face I became more determined to wake up.

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