Chapter 19

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AN/: I am sowwi this is so late lovelies I just got a puppy and she has been taking up all of my time, I am sorry for any mistakes I am so tired.

Camila's POV:
My mom and I were waiting outside of Simons office, I was bouncing my leg nervously what could he wanted to just talk to me about, I had already fake dated Lauren what could he possibly want now. More minutes that passed the more I bounced my leg.

"Miji will you stop doing that!" My mom sighed.

Simon's office door opened and I jumped up immediately from my seat.

"Camila, Sinu come on in"

We followed Simon into his office where La Reid was already sitting at Simons desk, mom and I both greeted La and took a seat. Simon finally sat down sighed and placed both of his hands on his desk.

"Camila as you know the fearless tour is coming up and we cannot have any hostility between any of the acts" La said.

"There has been too much drama surrounding you and Y/N and we can no have Ventures and Harmonizers hating each other" Simon said.

"Well If she wasn't such a immature fuckgirl then maybe I could have been amicable but frankly all she cares about is herself and her dick" I spat.

"Karla Camila Cabello watch you're language" my mom Said to me making me roll my eyes.

"This anger is what we are exactly talking about Camila" La said.

"I can act professional" I protested not wanting to get kicked off the tour.

"I'm sorry to say this but if you want to be on this tour you need to fix things with Y/N and you can start by apologizing for punching her in the crutch earlier"

"And we would like the both of you to fly to London and be at the Spy premiere Thursday night!"

"So what you're putting me in another fake relationship?" I snarled.

"With all due respect Simon I don't want my daughter to fake date a immature,spoilt brat!"

"No we will need you to attend as just friends"

"I'll think about it.


Your POV:

After about an hour after Camila left Dinah and Normani started to act differently towards me. Every chance they could get they were calling me a player which lead me to believe they knew what happened in the pantry with Camila.

"I'll see you soon, Take care Y/N" Ally said warmly before giving me a small hug.

I waved to Normal and Dinah who were already in the car but they looked away. I walked back inside to where the Little Mix girls where standing.

"I don't wanna go yet" Jade said hugging me.

"We can put you're bags in car Jade and you can meet us at the airport?" Leigh Anne suggested.

"Yeah that would be great... You don't mind taking me do you?" Jade asked sweetly while cuddling into my chest.

"No I don't.. What time do you have to leave here and I'll call my driver?"

"8:45" Jesy said.

"Gives you plenty of time to get one last fuck in" Perrie said while smirking at us.

"OMG" Jade said while cuddling her head into me and hiding her blush.

"What!" Perrie asked.

"You have no chill" I said laughing.

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