Chapter 7: Ice Cream

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As soon as my feet touched the sand, I moaned as the amazing feeling. I stretched my arms and let my pores absorb the scorching sun rays. The heat quickly relaxed my muscles and a smile soon appeared on my face. I watched as my friends sprawled their towels on the sand and laid on them. The boys took a volleyball and stared at us with a challenging stare.

"What about a challenge, girls?" Adam asked with a grin and I grinned back.

"Twin against twin?" John joked and I chuckled.

"They are twins?" Aiden asked in surprise and we all nodded as we stared at him as if he was retarded.

"You didn't know?" Adam asked and walked to me. He grabbed my face and pulled it next to his, making me yelp as he motioned between the two of us. "Can't you see the resemblance?" he asked and let go of my face while I groaned.

"No" Aiden replied with a shrug. I pulled the volley ball out of my brother's hand and held it in my hand. I put my hand on my hip and stared at my friends.

"I'm not playing" Angel quickly said and sat on her towel. She smirked at Ace who was looking at her with lust as she put some body lotion on her belly.

"Ace! Concentrate!" I huffed and Angel chuckled. "We're making two groups of four" I said and Adam nodded. "I'm taking Rebecca, David and John with me" I smirked at my brother.

"That leave me with Aiden, Hannah and Ace" Adam announced. We placed ourselves on the different sides of the beach and I stared at my opponents. Aiden was standing in front of me, looking as hot as ever.

"Game on Loser" he said when Adam tossed the ball in the air and hit it in my direction. I smirked and hit it back and watched as they didn't get the time to react, thus the ball touched the sand. I walked to the net and stared at Aiden with a wicked grin.

"Game on, loser" I repeated his words and instead of finding his usual smirk on his face, he smiled. A smile. He looked hot with a smile on his face. I tried to focus on the game when it resumed but sometimes I'd get distracted by Aiden's sexiness. I mean, if you were in front of those abs and those black shorts which stopped just below his V-line, you'd understand.

Nevertheless, after one hour of playing, my team lost and Adam's won. I tried to do as if it didn't affect me but I hated losing. I glared at me brother who was smirking at me in triumph. "Oh, sis! Don't be a sore loser!" he hollered and ran to me. In a matter of seconds, I was tackled on the sand and my brother's heavy body was on mine.

"I promise, if you don't get your body off mine in three seconds, I'll kill you" I snapped as I was soon out of breath. He chuckled but still moved away from me. Once he was laying next to me, I jumped on him and started wrestling with him. That's how we actually are. He was laughing when I playfully punched his stomach and I took sand and shoved it in his hair. "Apologize!" I ordered and he groaned when I messed up his hair.

"Fine! I'm sorry!" Adam apologized and I stood up while breathing heavily but still, I was happy to see my brother still struggling to stand up and trying to get the sand out of his hair. I turned to see our friends looking at us in amusement but they didn't say a word and kept quiet knowing how my brother and I were.

"Who want to eat ice cream?" someone asked from behind us and I instantly rose my hand. I love ice cream! I turned to see Aiden standing behind us and staring at me with a grin.

"So I guess it will be just the two of us" he said and winked at me. I looked over to my friends and saw that none of them were a bit interested in eating ice cream. Are they human? We were talking of ice cream! The best thing that was created! I shrugged and walked to him as he motioned me to walk by his side.

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