Chapter 12: Jealous Much?

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"So ladies, How can I help you?" a cute guy asked us. He was wearing sunglasses and he had a little smirk playing on his face.

"We'd like to do jet ski" I said with a smile. My friends snorted behind me, making me turned to look at them in confusion. "You don't?" I asked and they shook their heads.

"We're going to lay on the beach and sunbath while waiting for you" Hannah said with a grin.

"Why not come with me?" I asked with a pout and tried my Bambi eyes to try to persuade them.

"We're scared shit of that thing" Becca said while shaking her head. The cute Mauritian guy chuckled next to me.

"There's nothing to be afraid of" he said huskily while eyeing Becca up and down.

"She's taken" I told the guy making Becca choke on her saliva.

"I'm not!" she exclaimed and playfully smack the back of my head. "Go already" She huffed but I could sense amusement in her voice. The guy motioned me to walk in front of me and handed me a life jacket.

"Just don't go near the reef and where people are swimming" he said while tightening the jacket. He walked to a jet ski and I saw a red jet.

"I'm riding this?" I asked with excitement and he nodded. I did a happy dance, ignoring my friends laughter. "What's your name?" I asked the guy as he helped me on the jet ski.

"Mike" he said with a smile. "And what about you?" he asked.

"Victoria" I told him.

"Well, Victoria, have you ever done jet ski before?" he asked. I nodded with a proud smile while adjusting my non existent collar making him chuckle. "I'll be right behind you" he said before starting the jet ski. I let out a squeal of happiness and I heard the whooping of my friends who were cheering for me. Soon, I was riding over the waves, making the jet ski jump in the air. Adrenaline rushed in my veins and a smile stayed on my face. I increased the speed and kept on increasing it, feeling as if I was flying. I did a sharp turn to see Mike behind me. He had a huge smile too. His job must be great. I mean, imagine having a job where all you have to do all day is Jet ski!

Aiden's Point Of View

"The girls went already!" I heard David exclaimed from downstairs. I took a towel and put it on my shoulder as I walked downstairs to see Sebastian, Adam, David and John staring at a piece of paper. "They told us to meet them at the beach" he continued. I sighed in disappointment as I really wanted to ride with Karma. I have to admit that the girl was already under my skin.

"Let's get going then" Adam huffed. I knew that he was annoyed by the fact that he didn't get to ride with Hannah.

"Missing Hannah much?" John teased. Adam smacked the back of his head then walked out of the house, with us following behind him.

We arrived at the beach in less than ten minutes. As we got off the car, Sebastian turned to look at us. "Guys, Rebecca is single, right?" he asked, making all of us snicker.

"She was all over you earlier" John pointed out.

"Maybe she was just playing along" Sebastian said with a shrug.

"She's single" David said while staring at John. I have to admit that I was a bit surprise when David said that he was gay. He never told me before. I mean, he was one of my best buddies. John, Adam and Sebastian walked forward while David trailed behind, waiting for me.

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