By Unanimous Decision

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Ichi stopped in front of the front door and was about to knock, until the door quickly opened to Toney in a pair of blue jean shorts that stopped midway down his calf. He had a navy-blue towel draped across his broad shoulders with either sweat or water streaming from his face. "Wasn't expecting any visitors today, Ichi. Something on your mind?" he asked as he raised up a bottle of beer, his opposite hand was behind the door.

Ichi looked surprised to see Toney open the door before he knocked until he remembered the security system that he put in front of the door. The welcome mat he was standing on was actually a sensor that would let off an alarm inside the house if it sensed an Amian presence, only to be heard by the people inside. He mentally high fived himself. Damn, I'm a genius. "I'm assuming that you didn't hear about what's going on at Amita. You know, the invasions and attacks on the civilians?"

Toney's cheerful demeanor disappeared. "I see. Ya'll want to come in? Tiffany just made some tea." There was a large clunk behind the door as he opened it wider.

"I thought you'd never ask," Ichi said as he put his hands behind his back, fist against fist. He swiftly and stealthily scanned behind the door as he passed, seeing, other than the family shoes, a large metal bat. A tad old school for a retired Elemancer to use. "Is Tiffany busy? I'd like her to hear this as well."

"She's already at the table watching the news. Nothing new is happening on Earth concerning us as of yet. It's boring as hell, actually."

The group made their way into the dining room and sat under a sparkling chandelier. Toney said at the head of the table with Joel and Tiffany sitting beside him. Sakura and Loyalty sat further down the table, with Ichi sitting on the other end. "You say there was invasion in Amita." This was not a question, but a statement to confirm what he had heard, and to also let Tiffany in on it.

Ichi nodded. "Luckily for us, it wasn't a civilian from Southern Amity. The guards at the border assured us that no one crossed over." Though it does seem like a Southern Amian did this, Ichi thought to himself.

"So what are you saying, that one of ours are attacking?" Loyalty asked.

"No. If it was one of ours, I wouldn't need to waste my breath saying 'invasion.' I'm afraid that this was the work of the Edge Walkers."

Joel, Sakura, and Loyalty simultaneously gasped, while Toney just exhaled and intertwined his fingers. "Wait, the Edge Walkers are entrapped in the Sword of Reiax, right?" Sakura asked. "Someone would have to let them out, and only a select few knows how to do so."

"Now you see where the problem lays," Ichi stated.

Tiffany asked, "Do you think that someone has found a way to control them?"

"Hmm... That is what's really bothering me." Ichi nibbled on the edge of his thumb. "If anyone has the ability to control the Edge Walkers, then that could prove disastrous to our civilization. To make matters worse, I wouldn't even know where to begin an investigation. Not only that, but the first day at the Amian Academy starts today, and as you know, it's not only customary to give the Apprentices a tour of the Wayward Marketplace, it's also mandatory so they can not only get their equipment for the school, but also to get familiar with the area. This is becoming a snowball rolling down a steep hill."

"How about we do this," Toney began. "We have the leader of each group take them into town and show them around. If any problems arises, they will either run or fight and protect the Apprentices."

"We will hold a vote." Ichi said. "All who approve of this, raise their hand."

Every hand was raised. Ichi pushed the glasses up the bridge of his nose and smirked. "By unanimous decision."

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