First Class

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Dre wondered why his father wished him luck as he rode the elevator up. He had already changed from his street clothes into the flame-red uniform Raheem gave him. He had never worn clothing this light. The pants were loose, making him feel as if they wouldn't constrict against any movement he made. The tunic was sleeveless and loose as well; Dre figured it was to have air flow through it easily. Both felt as if it were stitched from the clouds.

According to his schedule, his class was on the third floor, room 303. He slid the long cylindrical object from under his arm and looked over it with the curiosity of a child. He wanted to see what was inside, however with his other hand holding his schedule, medal, and street clothes, it would deem difficult.

A bell sounded from within the elevator as he felt it slow to a stop. He replaced the sword back under his arm as the doors slid open. The hallway in front of him was long and empty of students. Three door stood before him, one on each side of him, and one at the end of the hallway. Above each of the doors hung a two handed sword. If there was any sign that he was going the right way, this would be it.

He walked on the wooden tile floor, which felt cold against his bare feet compared to the rough carpet from inside of the elevator, and made his way down the hallway. He could hear the voices of the teachers carry out from both sides of him, however neither of them sounded like Tiffany's voice, which meant that his class was the last room in the hallway. Somehow, Dre had expected that.

He opened the door to a large, dojo-like room. In front of him was five rows of students sitting on the floor, each in the same red uniform as Dre's, and each pair of eyes on Dre.

"Eyes front!" Tiffany called out in front of the students, making each of the students head snap forward. "You're fifteen minutes late, Mr. Wolf. You are aware of that, aren't you?"

"Well, yes ma'am, but I was-"

"Leave your things by the lockers and sit down," she commanded. Dre quickly shut his mouth and did as he was told. "As I was saying, Amians are warriors as much as we are guardians. In order for you to defend and protect the Human race, you must first learn how to defend yourself. If you believe that you can survive a war with just your elemental power, you would be sadly mistaken. Our elemental power is to be used sparingly, especially if you are a water user. Which is one reason why you are in this class. The other reason you are in this class is discipline.

"This is where your first lesson begins. In each of your hands is your weapon. Your group leader has told you not to unwrap it, and if you have uncovered the weapon, I will know about it and your insubordination will be dealt with. Now, untie the weapon, but do not touch it with your bare hands, and lay it down in front of you."

Dre felt relieved to have his hands full. He tugged on the thread, making it unravel and reveal a long, wooden stick. Confused, he glanced around the room. The rest of the student's "weapon" looked similar to Dre's, save the few students' who's stick actually took shape of a real weapon.

"Those of you whose weapon has already taken shape, step to the other side of the room," Tiffany said, her cold eyes peering over the students. Out of the thirty students who were attending the class, seven of them stood up and walked towards the other end of the room.

"I will now separate you into groups of two. The person that you are partnered with will not only help you to pass my class, but will also be a motivator. Success on the battlefield requires more than superb skill, wisdom, and strength, but it also requires trust, teamwork. Therefore, at the end of the year, if your partner fails my class, then the both of you will also fail by default."

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