Simon Cowells Niece

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Simons POV

I ran into the hospital doors not daring to let the tears spill out. I probably looked like a wreck! I hadn't slept or ate anything since I got the call, swiftly after I jumped on my privet jet and got here as quickly as I could. I ran up to the desk, the nurse giving me worried look.

"I am here to see Paige Williams!" I almost yell at the poor girl, for a moment she looks slightly taken back but she quickly recovers and her fingers fly over the keyboard.

"She is still in surgery Sir, but if you want you can wait with her daughter In the ER waiting room." She says pointing me towards a door.

"Ok thank you." I whisper as I fly past the door. No one was in the waiting room but her daughter, crumpled up in a ball in one of the chairs, crying. Her long blond hair covering her face that she had between her legs. Her jeans were ripped and her sweater was covered in blood but she only had minor injuries, her mother on the other hand.... They said she may not make it. I walk over to the small girl and wrap her up and do something I promised I wouldn't do..... I cried. Right there in the hospital waiting room, I cried.

We sat in the room for about two hours, every now and then she would let out a whimper and I would comfort her. But she never said a word, neither did I. We just sat there in silence as other people walked in and out. I started thinking about what would happen to Eliza if Paige didn't make it out, she has no one else. Her father left her when she was five. She had no siblings, her mother never remarried. I shake the thoughts from my head, now is not the time. I should think happy thoughts of Paige. I remember when she first told me she was going to America. My only sister leaving me for good. She was going to be moving away her new husband. I never liked that man, right after he found out she was pregnant with a girl he left. Paige said she wanted to stay and have a life in America with the baby. They did visit me after that; Eliza got to meet some stars like Ed Sheeran and Katy Perry because of me so she enjoyed coming to visit. I looked down at her limp body; she had fallen asleep on me. She usually looked so peaceful and happy but right now she just looked.... Pained... And broken.

"Paige Williams's family?" I nurse called from the door, Eliza popped up so quickly and ran over to the nurse. Her face begging for good news. I walked up behind her and set my hand on her shoulder.

"I am sorry." I nurse began "She didn't make it out of surgery." She gave Eliza a sympathetic look and glanced back at me.

"Mr. Cowell?"


"You are now Eliza's guardian. Miss Williams had it requested."

I looked down at Eliza who had her head buried into my chest, I knew my shirt would be covered in makeup and tears when this was all over, but I didn't even care anymore.

"Ok, Thank you" was I all could manage to say before the nurse walked away. I felt so... numb... I had never felt like this before. Ever. Paige was my only sister. My only family left! And now she is gone! And what am I supposed to do with a seventeen year old girl? Il figure something out. Right now I have to get Eliza to bed. I looked at my watch

3:00 AM


"Eliza, Lets go back to your house. We will talk in the morning ok?"

She nodded her head and started to walk out the door.

"Want me to drive?" I asked knowing she probably shouldn't be driving right now.

She handed me the keys and jumped in the back and lay down.

I should probably call the boys first thing tomorrow; tell them I'll be home as soon as possible. I kind of left them hanging during our meeting. I usually turn my phone during meetings but this time I just forgot. I got a call from a hospital in the US and took it. The boys watched as my face was struck with horror as my voice cracked when I told them I was coming. I grabbed my keys and left without saying anything to anyone. I just left. The boys had been blowing up my phone ever since. We pulled into the driveway at Paige's flat. I would pack for Eliza while she slept. I scooped her up and took her to her mother's room so I could pack without waking her. I walked into her room, a picture of her and Ed hung on the wall next to the one with her and Justin Bieber. Her walls her field with pictures of her and famous people. But sitting next to her bed was a picture of me, her mother and her. I almost started to cry again. We had just been to get ice cream in London. I started to pack. I opened her closet door to see a life size poster of my boys. Oh Eliza. I rolled it up and put it in the bag along with all her photos. After I finished packing her things I went into Paige's room. Obviously we couldn't keep all of this but I would take some for Eliza's sake. After I finished I went and lay down on the couch. I would at least attempt to sleep before Eliza wakes up to an empty house. Lord knows I am going to need my sleep for rough reality that will hit Eliza tomorrow.


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Simon Cowells Niece *Book 1*Where stories live. Discover now