Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Eliza’s POV



We wake up at five am to go to dance practice. We have a show tonight so we will be working our butts off all day today. I drink a Special K energy/meal replacement drink because I honestly don’t know when or if I will get lunch today. I put my long blond hair into a ponytail and put on my favorite red leotard and black leggings; I put on my dance shoes that Uncle Simon got for me and put the ribbon mom got me in my hair. I don’t put on any makeup since I will probably sweat it all off during practice anyway. I stare at my reflection in the bathroom mirror for a few minutes before we leave; I just stand there thinking about my life. A flash of realization covers my face.

“Hey Hayley, what’s todays date?” I yell from the bathroom

“Uhmm, the sixteenth of March, why?” she asks looking up from her phone.

“My birthday is next week.” I state, more to myself than anyone else. This would be my eighteenth birthday. The birthday I was supposed to be leaving my mother and moving to London, where I would live alone, attend college, find a job and a boyfriend, get married and have my own life. But that’s all changing. I already live in London, I will be able to get into any college thanks to Uncle Simon, I already left my mother, by force not choice, I already have a job, but I don’t live alone and I don’t have a boyfriend. But all of that can change very quickly; life can change in the twinkling of an eye.

“Well we will have to do something special for you!” Hayley says excitedly.

“When is your birthday, Hayley?” I ask as we walk out of our hotel door.

 “March thirtieth.” She replies. “I will be nineteen.”

“I will be eighteen on March twenty-fourth!” I announce.

“Hey Eliza, I have an idea.” Hayley says with a huge grin on her face.

“Yes?” I ask, slightly worried, really excited

“Okay so the boys don’t have to wake up until way later, so let’s wake them up now…” she trails off, her eyes going towards their doors.

“I will get Niall’s room, you get Liam’s!” I whisper/yell. They should really come up with a word for that. Like wyell, or yisper. I like yisper.

I run to Niall’s door, Hayley goes to Liam’s.

“Okay on the count of three, we bang on their doors and yell then run away!” Hayley bounces

“One.” She says

“Two!” I get ready to run

“Three!” We yell at the same time.

Be bang on their doors and yell, and scream. I hope we don’t wake anyone else up. We could get in so much trouble for this.

We hear movement coming from the rooms so we take off towards the elevator. Once inside we sit down and laugh.

“That was fun!” I say between laughs

“Let’s just hope we didn’t wake anyone else up!” Hayley says, gasping for air.

We exit the elevator rather quickly just in case someone called and complained. We get to the arena around seven and start dancing at seven thirty. We don’t stop, even when the boys come for sound check around noon. They look really tired; it takes everything we have to hold back our laughs. We finally stop practice around two when it’s time to get ready for the concert. Hayley and I hurry back to the hotel room. We take showers and do each other’s hair and makeup. We leave at three thirty, which is record time for two girls. Once we are back at the arena Lou gives us our outfits and we get ready to take the stage.  

“I don’t feel so good!” I say to Hayley

“Relax! Everything will be okay, once you’re up there just don’t look at the people. Look at Niall or just don’t look at anything. I zone out completely when I dance, it’s like no one else is here. It’s just me and the music.” Hayley says. “Now come on! Let’s show those boys how good we look in these outfits! I must say these jeans make my butt look great!” She says twirling to look at her butt. I laugh. The music starts and we run out on stage and take our places.

Harry starts off singing and we start dancing. We don’t stop until the boys stop. They get to the song, ‘They Don’t Know About Us’ and we start out dance. First the spotlight shows Hayley, doing ballet, then it goes to Isabella, another dancer, then it gets to me. We are the only three dancers on this song. We each have our own spotlight. We dance and let the music speak to us, this is my all-time favorite of all of our dances.  I look up at the screen to see it going from Hayley, Isabella and then to me.

Now Eliza, this is not the time to freak out. You have danced in front of people before, this isn’t exactly new. Just relax, think of how happy your mother would be!

I notice Niall and Liam have stopped singing and have their eyes glues to the screen.

Awe Niall likes me.

I think.

I know Liam likes Hayley.

But awe!

I think Niall likes me......

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